10 Content Creation Tools No Marketer Should Be Without
The following post is a Guest Post by a featured contributor to the Small Business Sense blog. Karen Dikson is a blogger and creative writer from New Jersey.
She writes for several marketing and educational websites among which is Huffingtonpost. In her free time, Karen enjoys reading classical literature and traveling. Connect with her via Twitter.
If you are a content marketer, you will definitely have your work cut out for you these days, because producing quality content is becoming increasingly challenging.
This is why it is ever so important to use content creation tools as you are creating content for your blog.
The audiences are getting spoiled, as they require brilliant content on a regular basis, which will provide them with useful information right away, and solve their problems.
While that is something you certainly have in mind as a content marketer, it is easier said than done, because there are so many different aspects of content creation, and each of them requires your time and attention.
We can assume that you are already spread very thin, because not only do you have to create the content the readers will be able to consume, but you have to do it consistently, while at the same time growing your business.
There is also stuff like SEO, which is still as relevant as ever, and you can’t forget social media either, because those can either make or break your content marketing business.
Fortunately, you don’t have to do everything alone these days, as there are plenty of content creation tools that can make your life easier. We have chosen 10 best ones for you, so check out our list below.
The Top 10 Content Creation Tools for Bloggers and Content Writers
1. Buzzsumo
Just because you have great content doesn’t mean your audience will love it, or even read it. In order to see what’s got their attention these days, you need to stay on top of all the latest trends, and BuzzSumo is one of the best tools for the job.

Buzzsumo Website
It will help you keep track of all the trending keywords, and to discover influencers inside your niche.
All you have to do is provide it with a specific keyword, or a URL, or a topic, and it will let you know if it’s trending or not, based on a total number of shares it has received across all social media sites.
2. CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer
The harsh truth of content creation is that online readers simply scan or skim the content, instead of actually reading it.
They check out the headline, and maybe the first few subheadings, and then they decide if they are going to keep on reading. Because of that, you need a strong headline that will grab their attention and get them to click and read more.
CoSchedule’s Headline Analyze will pick apart your title, and give it a rating which indicates how well it might fare among the readers and provides suggestions on how you could improve it. Simple, yet brilliant.
3. EduGeeksClub Writing Service
If you are writing every single word of your content yourself, well more power to you then, but your goal is to grow your content marketing business, so you may need to consider hiring someone reliable to help you out with content creation.
EduGeeksClub has some good writers and editors online that will create quality content for you every single time, and you will have more time to cover the business end.
4. HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator
There will be times when you won’t be feeling particularly inspired, and you will get stuck trying to think of an effective topic to write about.
For that, you can HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator. It will generate a list of topics for you, based on just three keywords or less, which you will be required to enter.
Granted, not all of them will be useful, but they will certainly point you in the right direction and kickstart your brain.
5. Easel.ly
What readers appreciate these days is the variety of the content you can produce for them, and infographics are certainly at the top of the list.
And there is a reason for it, because they can provide readers with all the key facts in a way that is concise, and visually pleasing at the same time.
If you don’t have any skills as a designer, then you might want to check out Easel.ly, which will enable you to create stunning infographics using a variety of pre-made design elements and templates.
6. Yoast
If you are using WordPress, which you probably are, one tool which can make your SEO efforts much easier is Yoast SEO plugin.
It will make sure that your content is optimized, so that it can reach the right audience. Yoast does all of that with the best SEO practices in mind, which means you can stop worrying about that aspect of content creation as well, and focus your efforts elsewhere.
7. MindNode
Brainstorming is a great technique for coming up with new ideas, and in order to make it even more effective, we recommend that you start using MindNode.
MindNode is an app that will allow you to flesh out your ideas and concepts, and it will do so using an intuitive visual environment, where you will connect the dots, both literally and figuratively.
Once you have created a blueprint for your ideas, it will be easier to develop them.
8. Evernote
Evernote is a versatile app that can help you keep track of just about anything.
Whether it’s headlines or content ideas that pop up inside your head at the most unexpected moments, or your entire business schedule, as well as the most pertinent dates in your personal life, Evernote will stay on top of it all, and because it can be accessed from any device, you will always be able to capture all the necessary ideas and bits of data.
9. Buffer
For every social media platform, there are optimal times when you should post your content, but seeing as you can’t be awake for 24 hours to make the most of them, you can rely on Buffer to do that for you.
Simply use it to schedule all your social media posts across all major social networks, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter, and each of them will be posted at the right time, and read by more people.
10. Copyscape
These days, using Copyscape is a necessity, because you don’t want Google or other search engines to flag your website for duplicate or plagiarized content, because that usually spells the end of your content marketing efforts for that particular outlet.
It can happen to any content marketer, inadvertently using a sentence we have read somewhere else, and running with it. But, there is no excuse to not use Copyscape, just to be on the safe side.
These helpful tools should find their way into your content marketing arsenal. Not only will they help you produce quality content, but they will save you a ton of time, which leaves you to develop and tweak your strategy and your business, and that’s is more than you could ever ask for.