How to Create a Social Media Strategy For Your Small Business: 7 Tips

As a small business owner, you have to work twice as hard to beat the competition from bigger businesses. You can’t afford to skimp your marketing budget even when tight on cash flow. The good news is that you can now reach your target market more efficiently and at a lower cost with social media marketing. Here’re tips to help you get started.

How to Create a Social Media Strategy For Your Small Business: 7 Tips (Image Credit Pexels)

Don’t Ignore The Power of Quality Photography

According to Facetune, using quality photography is key to expressing your unique style, building trust, and showing your product or service in the best light possible. High-quality photos can make your small business appear more professional and trustworthy. 

Start by investing in a good quality camera and editing software. Editing apps such as Facetune help you touch up your photos to make them look more polished. To create perfect images, consider the following:

  • Use natural lighting whenever possible
  • Take close-ups to highlight details
  • Use props to style your photos
  • Create a consistent look for your photos

Utilize User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is any form of content such as photos, videos, or reviews created by your fans and customers. UGC is cost-effective and can help you reach a wider audience.

Try hosting a contest on social media and encourage your fans to submit their photos or videos. You can also ask customers to leave reviews on your products or services. 

Leverage Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing involves working with influencers to promote your brand. Influencers are people with a large social media following who can raise awareness about your small business. When choosing an influencer, select someone relevant to your industry with engaged followers. The influencer should also align with your brand values. Before hiring one:

  • Do your research
  • Check out their social media channels
  • Review their previous work
  • Negotiate the terms of your agreement

To find influencers, use social media tools or Google search. You can also ask your friends, family, and customers for recommendations.

Tell Your Story

Your small business has a story. You can also search for relevant hashtags to see what others say about your industry. When telling your story, be sure to:

  • Use engaging visuals
  • Write compelling copy
  • Share customer testimonials
  • Highlight your unique selling points (USPs)

Don’t be afraid of a bit of controversy or to take a stand on hot-button issues. Telling an authentic story connects with potential customers and builds trust.

Post Regularly

To keep your fans and followers engaged, post regularly on social media. How often you post depends on the platform. For example, Facebook recommends that businesses post once to thrice weekly, while Instagram users are active daily.

Remember to reply to comments and messages to create a two-way conversation. If short on time, use social media management tools. Also, take advantage of scheduling features to plan and publish your content in advance.

Define Your Target Market

You can’t be everything to everyone. To be successful on social media, define your target market. Doing this enables you to produce appealing content. Here’s how to get started:

  • Create buyer personas
  • Research your competitors
  • Evaluate your current customers
  • Analyze your social media analytics

Invest Time in Creating Great Content

Your social media followers aren’t just looking for pretty pictures. They want helpful, interesting, and engaging content. Brainstorm content ideas that are relevant to your target market. These could be in the form of blog posts, infographics, or even video tutorials. When creating content, consider the following: 

  • Is the content interesting and relevant?
  • Is it well-written and free of errors?
  • Does the content provide value to the reader?
  • Is it shareable on social media?
  • Is the content optimized for search engines?

SEO is essential for getting your content seen by potential customers. Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions, and include links to your website.

Measure Your Results

Finally, don’t forget to measure your results. Check your social media analytics to see how your posts are performing. Which content is getting the most engagement? Who is your target audience? What time of day are they most active? Use this data to improve your social media strategy. 

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.