Thinking Of Moving? Think About These 5 Things First!
If you’re thinking about moving then you have to be sure. Sure that it’s going to be worth the pain of moving, worth the hassle of uprooting your life, that you’re going to be able to build a better life in a new home.
Before you move on with your idea to move you’ll want to consider these five key things!
Location, location, location!
To quote hero of humanity, Mr Rogers said, ‘it’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood.’ So, what do you want from your neighbourhood? What are your priorities? Do you want to be near good schools, on a public transport line, near your workplace, somewhere with views of the beach, or do you just have to be in close proximity to a killer cup of coffee or the chicest bars? In Australia, matters are complicated by the fact that real estate is just so darn expensive. So check out this article about the cheapest and most livable suburbs.
Make sure you’re getting the right home loan
With the price of real estate only on the rise, whether you’re a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor expanding their portfolio, the reality is you’ll almost definitely need to take out a home loan. Even the phrase ‘home loan’ can seem daunting and it is unquestionably one of the more complex aspects of personal finance. However, you can easily learn more about the topic from informative articles which will help you decide which sort of loan and repayment schedule suits your needs.
Take The Stress Out Of Packing
There’s no denying it – moving absolutely sucks. It’s a total hassle and most people will tell you that moving day was one of the most stressful days of their lives. The stress of moving can honestly taint the entire experience of a new house for you. Even before the actual moving day, wrangling your entire life into cardboard boxes is no easy feat. To make the task easier you’ll want to make sure you’ve got a good support team. Bring your most brutal friend to help you cull your collection of 35 sweatshirts, bring your craftiest friend to help you Tetris your belongings into boxes, bring your most charitable friend around to help you decide which of your belongings are suitable for donation. Whenever people come around to pack or help you move, make sure you reward your friends with wine, pizza and plenty of laughs.
Make Your House A Home
So now you’ve got a house, it’s time to make that house a home! As we know, a home is much more than just a place to hang your hat but it’s a feeling. So, how do you make a house feel like home? If you ask us, one surefire way is to put some art on the walls. Hanging art on your walls helps new homeowners make their space feel like their own. In fact, one of the main things that helps a home stand apart from a hotel or a dorm room is that it should be filled with things that you find beautiful. Whether it’s a poster from your favourite movie, postcards from your favourite cities or something rich in childhood nostalgia like these beautiful, Australiana themed prints from local artist Carmen Hui. Other essentials you should have before you move in – kitchen wares! We love take-away as much as anyone but, as we’re sure you’re doctors and bank account would agree, you can’t have it every night! So, on the day, you move in, make sure you all the plates, cutlery, pots and pans you’d need to cook a proper dinner for yourself, your housemates and maybe even a few friends.
Fill it!
The feeling of being ‘at home’ is undoubtedly linked to being surrounded by people you love. The long and short of it is, when we’re at home we feel safe, loved, valued and totally at peace with ourselves so you should fill your home with the people that make you feel that way. So invite friends and family as often as you can and make sure your home is filled with love and laughter!