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Tag Archives for " home "

Dealing With Home Mold

Mold can be an unattractive sight in your home and also poses serious health hazards, aggravating allergies and respiratory ailments – especially among people living with asthma. Mold can grow anywhere there is excess moisture, such as from leaky pipes or saturated carpets. By rectifying the cause of the moisture problem, future outbreaks of mold […]

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Home Safety Dangers

As a parent, you want your home to be safe for your kids. Unfortunately, however, many hidden dangers exist within it that put kids at risk of injury or even death. Home accidents resulting in falls are one of the primary home hazards, with 1 out of every 5 older adults who fall suffering a […]

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Making Your Home Safer

In an ideal world, burglars would never gain entry to your home; therefore it is imperative that you do everything possible to ensure its protection. One of the best ways to keep your home secure is to create the illusion that someone is home at all times – whether this means setting timers on lights […]

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Top 5 Commercial Roof Maintenance Tips To Protect Your Business

A roof’s ability to last longer mostly depends on maintenance practices. Quality roofs are an added advantage if you wish to stay with the same top for the longest time. Different roofs require varying maintenance practices according to the manufacturer’s instructions. You are safer when you involve the weather factor to avoid nasty surprises. Look […]

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