10 Catchy Email Subject Lines Guaranteed to Increase Open Rates

Let’s face it, when creating email marketing campaigns the subject line is going to be the determining factor in whether your email gets opened or sent to the trash bin.  As a matter of fact, according to a survey taken by ConvinceandConvert.com statistics show that email recipients open email based on subject line alone. I […]

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25 Power Words to Use in Your Sales and Marketing Copy

Happy Wednesday!  I am soooo glad that this week is almost coming to a close.  It has been a pretty busy one. As I am sure you are aware, businesses revolve around selling a product or service.  When it comes to writing your sales letters and marketing materials the words that you use can help […]

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Protect Your Small Business Data with Encryption Software

Happy Tuesday All! As cybersecurity threats continue to increase, it has become of the utmost importance to find ways to safeguard your business data.  I recently read an article published on Forbes.com that stated that one of the top 5 biggest cybersecurity threats of 2013 is……drumroll please– “Internal Threats”. Internal threats are attacks that are just as the words imply–attacks from […]

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5 Reasons for You to Use the Join Me Screen Sharing Application

Happy Thursday to you! Have you heard of the Join.Me screen-sharing application before? If you haven’t, then now is the time to get acquainted with it and use it for the development of your business. Join.Me is an awesome internet-based remote screen-sharing application you can use in your business to share presentations and host web […]

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10 Famous Entrepreneurs Who Failed in Business Before Becoming Successful

Happy Tuesday All!  I hope that you had a very pleasant Fourth of July Holiday.  Yesterday I ran across an interesting post from Addicted2Success.com that featured 15 Rich & Famous People Who Were Fired Before They Became Successful.  This post prompted me to write today’s blog post. I have always been taught to view failure […]

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8 Useful Tools for Tracking Trends in Your Industry

Happy Tuesday peeps!  I hope your week is going well.  For todays blog post, I’m going to be covering 7 tools that you can use to track trends in your industry. People always say, “Nothing is constant but change itself.” If you want to keep up with your chosen niche, get ahead of your competitors, then you should […]

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5 Steps to Create a One Year Small Business Marketing Plan

You’ve started your business, created your product or services but have no idea how to market them. Believe it or not, this happens all of the time with new and existing small businesses. Over the years, I have come to learn that Marketing is a strategic activity that requires planning. It is not a “fly […]

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How to Create an Email Newsletter Campaign Using Mailchimp

Hello Again!  How was your weekend?  I hope it went well. Today, we are given so many ways and platforms to reach out to all our target audiences and gain their loyalty. However, one of the best ways to really get up-close and personal with each of our prospective customers is via an email newsletter. […]

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7 Useful Email Etiquette Tips for Small Business Communications

In the small business world email is an essential communication tool that is used almost on a daily basis.   As a matter of fact, a study conducted by Skadeedle.com concluded that businesses send and receive 89 Million emails per day. That is a Lot of emails.     At any rate when you are […]

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