7 Benefits of Using a Virtual Office Phone System

Well hello again!  How has your week been going so far?  I hope it’s been well.  Sooooo……when I started my consulting business in 2009, I was looking for a cost-effective solution phone system solution that would help me present a professional small business image to my clients. Since I was running my business on a […]

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16 Surprising Facts About Small Business in America

Happy Tuesday everyone! So yesterday, I ran across an amazing Infographic created by DocStoc concerning surprising facts about small business in america.  This information definitely blew me away.  I guess for me it’s nice to see that more and more entrepreneurs are taking the plunge and starting businesses of all sorts . According this infographic….. statistically speaking, over 543,000 new […]

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How to Choose a Wireless Router for Your Small Business

Choosing a wireless router can be a task—especially if you are a non-technical person.  With so many of these devices out there on the market, it certainly makes the process of buying one for a small business that much harder. What is a Wireless Router? In simple terms, a wireless router is a device that […]

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Five Low Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas

Happy Tuesday! Marketing a small business can be very expensive.  One of the biggest mistakes that I have seen small business owners do is to spend a ton of money on marketing their businesses—but fail to get any results. Today on Small Business Sense, I will be presenting 5 Low Cost Guerrilla Marketing Ideas that you […]

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10 Social Media Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading

Happy Tuesday Peeps! I am not sure what has gotten into me but it seems like for the last week or so I have been on a “Social Media Marketing” kick.  Maybe it’s because I’ve been reading a ton of information as of late mostly related to social media marketing trends  and how to effectively use them to grow a business.  In light of […]

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5 Social Media Marketing Tips the “Pros” Use

Happy Thursday Guys.  I hope that your week has been going well.  Todays blog post is centered around Social Media Marketing…which we all know is one of the best ways us small business owners can establish an online presence and generate buzz about our products and services. However, keeping up with the latest trends in Social Media can be […]

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Is There Really A Perfect Age to Start a Business?

Happy Thursday All!  I often think about the following question….Is there a Perfect Age to Start a Business? The simplest answer would be, “No.” This is exactly why I want to share with you some interesting facts about starting a business and give information about people who have had great success with starting businesses at […]

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7 Tips Guaranteed to Instantly Boost Your Daily Productivity

Entrepreneur.com recently published an article that featured productivity secrets of the Top 13 Tech CEO’s. I must say productivity is one of the areas in small business that I have struggled with. As a small business owner I have often times felt like I have so many things to do- yet so little time to […]

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10 Catchy Email Subject Lines Guaranteed to Increase Open Rates

Let’s face it, when creating email marketing campaigns the subject line is going to be the determining factor in whether your email gets opened or sent to the trash bin.  As a matter of fact, according to a survey taken by ConvinceandConvert.com statistics show that email recipients open email based on subject line alone. I […]

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