Why Women are Unfairly Paid in Professional Sports

In today’s world of stressors and daily distractions, we all need to take some time out to enjoy the great pastimes of sports. Whether your sport of choice is football, soccer, tennis, or baseball, there’s something for everyone to watch and be a fan of these days. What’s interesting about professional sports is that there has been a growing interest in the role that women’s sports play. Women’s sports have been on the rise – for instance, last year, the viewership in the National Women’s Soccer League grew nearly 300%. You would think that professional female athletes would have the salaries to match the rising trend, but alas, they are not.

In many sports athletes’ careers, it’s all about the sponsorship deals.  Things have been going in the right direction at least – from the years 2013-2017, annual sponsorship deals for women’s sports increased by 37%. However, only a scant 0.4% of sponsorship dollars go towards women’s sports. Let’s support our female athletes and keep the trend going.

Learn more about the unfair game of women’s sports and how things can be improved in the future for more equitable pay and sponsorship dollars in the following visual deep dive below:

The Business of Women

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.