What Is The Future For Websites?
With Google making yet another
announcement last month about further changes to their search engine
optimisation (SEO) practices and algorithms, it seems a reasonable time to ask
what the rest of the year holds for business websites. Users who surf the web
are always looking for the ultimate goods and services, but what system is in
place to make sure that they find the right one in 2019?
Here are some of the functions that business websites must offer if they want to maintain their ranking on the first page of any Google search.
If you listen some digital marketing expert, you will find out how important is content in 2019. When developers refer to content, they mean the words, blog articles, pictures, and layout of a website. The blogs should be written in such a way that they link to websites other than the one on which they appear. This practice is referred to as linking to authority sites. Google likes it when one website makes reference to another credible, high ranking website in their blog articles.
The words featured on a website
must still have a purpose other than to introduce a product, service, or team.
It should include a chain or sequence of words that internet users are most
likely to enter into a search engine when looking for a product. This can also
be added into the URL section of a website or shopping cart.
It’s difficult for anyone except
professional SEO services to stay informed of the practices search engines use
to select the highest-ranking websites. This is done through a means of ads,
organic searches, and clicks. Google is continuously moving the goalposts when
it comes to how their algorithms are set. It takes a state of the art SEO
company to keep up with the latest developments and know how to implement
website development to stay abreast of SEO changes.
Search optimisation is an essential website
and business enhancement strategy that any company or individual can prioritise
when it comes to staying ahead of the competition. And it is likely to remain that
way for the next few decades because shoppers are moving more towards online
lifestyles. These days every scrap of information is derived from online
Smart Devices
There is a trend that demonstrates
the drift away from terrestrial-bound technology and signifies the beginning of
space age tech, and that’s the decline in the number of landlines installed in
homes. This is a relatively recent development that has begun in first world
countries. It is no longer seen as a sign of permanence or prestige to have a
landline phone in the house.
The Wi-fi services phone companies
offer are also coming under pressure from declining numbers as fibre optic
Internet takes over as the preferred data provider. This is only the beginning
of the shift away from perceived older technologies into a newer one based on
structures in the stratosphere and not the ground.
The number of internet searches
done on smart devices was documented at 73 per cent in 2018. This figure is set
to rise in the forthcoming years. Websites will have to adapt their layouts to
becoming smart device friendly in the future.