Key Things to Plan Before Moving to Your New House
Moving house can be an exciting yet stressful experience. Unfortunately, no matter how well you plan it, something will not work out how you thought it would. And you might run into a few unexpected surprises on the way. When this happens, you must roll with the punches and not let anything derail your move.
To take some stress out of your move, here are some things you should plan before the big day:
Evaluation of systems
Start with your new house’s electrical systems to ensure that they are functional and suit your needs. This might require the addition of more electrical sockets in some rooms. Electricity systems in older houses do not take modern life into account where there are many appliances and pieces of equipment required.
Next, examine your new home’s heating system to ensure that it works and is adequate for your needs. This might be a great time to visit Best Electric Radiators to browse their collection of energy efficient radiators that are a great solution to your heating needs. These aesthetically pleasing radiators are easy on the eye and will save you a lot of money on your electricity bills.
It might also be wise to have a repairs and maintenance contractor give your home the once over before you move. Once you take ownership of the house, you are liable for repairs and maintenance, even if the previous owner should have done them.
Take measurements
Measure every inch of your new home to ensure that your existing furniture will fit into it. For example, you might have a rug from your current living room that will be too big for your new one. Avoid the inconvenience of finding that out too late.
Measurements are also extremely useful for the move itself as they allow you to plan how you will get your furniture upstairs. There is nothing worse than being halfway up the staircase and getting stuck because you cannot get around a corner. You might want to consider professional movers for larger furniture and appliances. They can lend their expertise to your move and take a lot of the stress out of it.
Ensure that the house has been cleaned from top to bottom before you move in, as it is challenging to do such a thorough clean afterwards. While it is good manners for the previous owner to leave the house spick and span, do not rely on them to do so. Besides, their idea of clean might not be compatible with yours. It might also be advisable to have an exterminator come in and do preventative work, especially if you see any evidence of prior infestations.
If you have the resources, consider getting a cleaning service to do it for you. Then you can move in confident that everything is shipshape.
Plan your packing with near military precision if you can. Make lists of where each large item is to be placed on moving day and label each one with a colour-coded tag. Pack boxes according to which rooms in your new house the items will go. Colour-code again using stickers or markers. Label each box with its destination and what it contains.
Prioritise your boxes according to how urgently you need to unpack them when you move, ranking them from one to three, with one being things that need to be unpacked immediately and three being items that can wait. The more organised you are, the more smoothly your move will progress.
First day POA
A plan of action (POA) is essential for moving day. Get as many friends and family members onboard to help you. Someone needs to be stationed at your current home while you wait at the new house to ‘direct the traffic’ once boxes and furniture arrive. Label entrances to each room with the same name you used on the furniture tags and box labels, such as ‘bedroom one”, etc.
Have a ‘first day’ box that you transport to the new house personally. In it, you need towels, sheets, and clothes for that night. This will come in handy if things do not turn out as planned and you only finish with the move late.
Infographic Provided by We Buy Houses in Kentucky