How Easy Is it to Switch to a Paperless Office?
According to, the average office worker today will go through around 10,000 sheets of copy paper every year. If you multiply that amount by the number of employees your business has, it’s easy to see the staggering amount of paper that your business is likely to be wasting year in, year out. Today, more and more companies are taking on the challenge of going paperless, and it’s easy to see why – not only is it better for the environment, but it can also save your brand a huge amount of money. But, just how easy is it to achieve a paperless office? The good news is that in today’s digital age, it may be easier than you think. Here are some tips to help you get started.
Tip #1. Paper as a Last Resort:
Whilst digital versions of everything are usually readily available today, it’s a good idea to understand that sometimes, you might just have to print something off. This is true for everything from architecture to fashion design. However, it’s important to ensure that this is as a last resort, rather than as a first port of call. Today, the mistake that many businesses and employees make is to just print documents without even thinking about the paperless alternatives available. Have a well-maintained printer, but only switch it on when it’s absolutely necessary. Visit for more information.
Tip #2. Send E-Invoices:
If you invoice your clients, then you may have already come across some of the issues that come with sending paper invoices through the mail. Not only do you have to firstly print them off, but there’s also the issue of waiting for the mail to arrive, then hoping that your client opens it quickly and gets around to paying it. On the other hand, an e-invoice will arrive immediately in your client’s digital mailbox and they’ll be notified that it’s there. You can also include a link to the payment page so that they can transfer the funds quickly and easily using their laptop, smartphone or another device.
Tip #3. Digitize Your Payroll:
Instead of printing out pay-slips and handing them to your employees when they are paid each month, a good way to save on your paper use is to send electronic wage slips, instead. Emailing your employees with the amount that they have earned, the tax that they’ve paid, and any other important information found on their pay-slip won’t just help to cut down the amount of paper your brand uses, but also be more convenient for your staff members. Wage-slips sent via email are received immediately and much easier to save and file away digitally.
Tip #4. Encourage New Habits:
Finally, going paperless in your office would be impossible without the full support of your employees. The first step is identifying the employees who are already more digitally-minded, and will be able to adapt to these new business habits with more ease than others. These employees are the most important to your company as they will set the example to others and may even be given extra training responsibilities.
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