Seven Low Cost Promotional Items Every Business Should Have in their Marketing Arsenal

Promotional products for your business don’t have to be flashy or expensive. Even in this tough economy, you can still promote your business using some of the following low-cost marketing products. Here are 7 low cost promotional items that small businesses should have in their marketing arsenal: 1. Magnets This is a simple and inexpensive […]

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4 Cheap Ways to Make an Old PC Run Faster

Happy New Year’s Peeps! I must admit that it feels really good to be back. I decided to write up this blog post due to some issues that I experienced over the holiday break with my desktop pc. I’ve had my desktop computer for quite some time (a few years to be exact), and think […]

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Top 5 Benefits of a Home Based Business

Did you know that according to a survey conducted in 2011 in the US a home based business is started every 12 seconds! Isn’t that amazing? Additionally, this same survey indicated that home-based businesses: Bring in revenues of more than 427 billion per year 44% of Home Based Businesses are started for less than $5k […]

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How to Write LinkedIn Messages That People Want to Read

LinkedIn is a great network of professionals and businesses. However, in order to get the most out of LinkedIn you need to network effectively with your peers. One of the awesome resources that LinkedIn offers its users is the ability to send personalized messages to contacts. This feature allows users to read and exchange messages […]

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Best Anti-Virus Programs for Small Business of 2013

Is your small business or personal computers running a bit sluggish lately? Or, are your systems experiencing any or all of the following issues: Slow startup times Files that are missing or corrupt Unusual error messages that pop up out of nowhere – especially in your task bar Random and very frequent restarts If your […]

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7 Strong Password Generators to Use for Online Security

It is a well-known fact that cyber security scams continue to plague small businesses. As a matter of fact, according to an article published on Intuit’s mall Business Blog, “a recent report shows nearly 20 percent of cyber-attacks are on small firms with less than 250 employees”. Simply stated, small businesses are not doing a […]

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7 Websites You Can Use to Create a Professional Business Card for your Small Business

Hey there peeps! I hope that your week has been going well. I am in “Turkey Day” mode already and can’t wait for next week. Business cards are one of the best tools that you can use to brand, promote and market your company – on the cheap! This is why it is important to […]

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5 Reasons your Small Business Needs a Website

Hey there everybody, I ran across an interesting read earlier this week on non-other than Entrepreneur.com that stated “46% of small businesses do not have a website”. I have to say, that I’m pretty shocked that there are still a number of small businesses that do not have a web presence – Especially since: More […]

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