Best Tips for a Guaranteed Raise

Salaried employees get demotivated after some time as they receive a consistent amount every month. Even though they may accept more projects and initiate leadership qualities, asking for a raise is inevitable to reflect the hard work. Here are a few steps to deliver the message successfully:

Gather evidence

Have you noticed that the recent pay stub does not reflect your current organizational contribution? You must be prepared to ask for a raise, so gather all the praise from the previous year. Furthermore, you must also have verified resources to authenticate the positive feedback. In addition, the employee must also consider the mood and setting.

The praise can be from clients, bosses, or work colleagues that showcase your command over the job description. Of course, the organization also has yearly evaluations, reviews, and performance analysis to support your claims.

Use numbers and statistics 

Do not simply mention word-of-mouth to convince the manager! You must produce the case with relevant data and numbers to stun the boss. Therefore, attach your past achievements and accomplishments to build a cement argument. 

The employee can mention how their hard work has increased sales by a certain percentage. Furthermore, they also showcase the increase in profit due to their dedication. Specifying a value of an argument gives it more authority. Remember, the raise is linked to your career growth.

Talk about the future

When asking for a raise, the employee can also mention their plan for the organization. Most companies risk losing an employee to competitors. However, showcasing future planning delivers a message that the employee is staying. The employee can argue how the raise will improve the relationship with the client too.

The neat trick to improve the document is preparing for it from the boss’s perspective. Employees must learn their priorities, and what shape success holds for them. As a result, building the collection will surely get you a raise.

Schedule a meeting

Employee chatting about increments and additional benefits is a casual topic. However, when communicating with the manager, timing matters most. Therefore, request that you wish to meet with the boss separately. You do not want the top-tier management to be distracted.

If the boss is in a hurry, they will not prioritize the discussion. After communicating with the assistant, you can schedule a meet-up to discuss salary and rank. Lastly, ensure the meeting is held in a physical setting.

Practice, practice

Preparing for a raise is not a whim-of-the-moment argument. Therefore, practice with your friend to strengthen your vocabulary and body language. In addition, you can also record yourself to correct the voice tone. Of course, you can always stand in front of the mirror to restore eye contact and facial expressions and eliminate nervousness. 

If you are still unsure about the preparation, another wise strategy is going through the presentation with a friend. You can phone a family member to help you out too. Before you continue, convince the friend to deliver honest feedback. If you successfully get the raise, take them out for a dinner to celebrate.

The Bottom Line

When you are done with the presentation, do not elongate the conversation. Request for raise and walk out of the office after pleasantries. If you continue conversing with the manager, the employee will lose confidence, reducing the probability of getting a raise. 

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.