5 Ways to Rock at Marketing Your Business with Twitter (2014)
Are you looking for ways to successfully market your business with Twitter? Do you want to learn some of the marketing strategies that are currently being used? Great! But, before I get into the post, here are a few things that you should know:
- Twitter (when used correctly) can be a powerful platform that you can use for marketing and lead generation
- The rules of engagement for using Twitter has changed tremendously
In reality, there is no set way to market your business using social media. However, one thing is important in the small business arena… and (any other industry for that matter) is to stay on top of what works and what doesn’t work. I have learned to do so using various trend tracking tools.
Marketing Your Business with Twitter
Without further ado, here are 5 tips that you can use to market your business with Twitter:
1. Use “Creative and Magnetic” Twitter headlines in your Tweets. I know…I know… you have probably heard me mention this a gazillion times! But it’s true. Twitter headlines are very important. As a matter of fact, studies show that a compelling Twitter headline can increase your conversion/click rate by 73%
Mediabistro.com reports that two of the most clickable Twitter headlines are the Top 10 List and Headlines that promise something.
2. Optimize your Twitter Bio and Profile. When twitter peeps visit your bio, they want to know who you are, what you do and who you do it for. A few tips for optimizing your Twitter Bio include:
- Use your company’s brand name in your Twitter handle (if possible) – to stay consistent in your marketing and branding
- Use a personal picture of yourself in your Twitter profile picture
- Include important keywords (as it relates to your niche) in your bio
3. Join in on the conversation and collaborate with others. Collaboration is key with Twitter. If for instance some of your loyal followers ask questions or jump start conversations, try to chime in on them from time to time. People love to be acknowledged and responded to.
4. Retweet valuable content from others in your community. I will be the first to admit, this is something that I have gotten better at doing. If you see a great post from a Twitter peep that you are following or someone that is following you, be sure to Retweet it to your followers.
5. Use Social media automation tools to share and reshare content from your blog or website. Some experts say that using automation tools take away from the “personal” touch with social media. But let’s face it, in order to be more efficient in your business, using automation tools is essential.
So there you have it, my roundup of 5 twitter marketing tips. If you enjoyed this post, I would love for you to share it with others on Twitter and Facebook. Cheers and have a great weekend.