4 Crucial Features That Your AV System Should Absolutely Have

In our technology-driven world, digital signage is omnipresent. Naturally, it is now an important part of integrated AV projects. The majority of the digital-driven solutions shoot up from problems that the customers are facing on a large scale. Sometimes, It may so happen that the differentiating factor in such a circumstance is digital signage itself. 

The requirement of digital signage can be very detrimental, but AV integrators don’t need to specialize the skill and upgrade their tools to push their implementation to success. But if you do not have an advanced system in place, it can affect the productivity and quality of the sales team because, without it, they are unable to sell solutions with ease.

Digital signage services and by-products are tremendous avenues for earning revenues. For AV integrators, the benefits continue past the introductory launch of the project. Due to recent developments in technology, the process of combining digital signage into A V integration has become easier.

With several thousand displays in the market, companies need to build and inculcate a culture of signage networks into their businesses. The services would also provide for tracking what is being played on screen and also solve additional technical issues without having the need to stay on site. The secret recipe to right remote monitoring and management consists of a content dashboard to schedule and watch content from afar while providing data as well.

Some of the core features that AV Integration businessmen should look for in a solution are as follows. Check them out:

1. Monitoring and Remoteness

Today, the amount of displays available is in enormous quantities, forcing companies to shift to signage networks. It is inclusive of getting a grasp of the technical know-how of screening that enables them to troubleshoot all the problems without having the necessity of being online. 

There is a feature on display that lets you fix schedules and monitor the content distantly and have access to real-time data to keep track of the health of your network. It can also be used to furnish other data such as diagnostic and medical. Audio Design Solutions have additional benefits such as free updates, single-source responsibility, value engineering. We also have acoustic design consultants on-board who can help you with queries.

2. Play scaling

As and when the projects change, you might face the unlikeliest of scenarios and also opportunities that manifold throughout your engagement with the client. It is your priority as audio video equipment integrators to assist your clients in discovering their needs concerning technology. The progress of your client satisfaction marks the progress of your project. Do not interpret this into serving all unfeasible requirements of your client. It could also hamper your process of functioning.

3. Accessible content

As a client, the primordial requirement for you is an increase in your sales. Guess what? With the AV system, you also get access to automated content. Automated content has many incredible in-built apps that help you create content in the form of service. 

An ideal content creating system would include features such as creation and sharing, additional features such as an engaging platform for users. As we have seen off late, content is the most captivating factor in any field, be it marketing or sales.

4. Customized roles

The business of AV systems garners attention from several different sectors as well as several stakeholders throughout the market. In the beginning, the catch to make the project succeed is providing only a handful of features that are specific to certain needs. Privacy policies and user roles might show openness and will go far in promoting collaboration. For very big projects, this system of individual user permissions cannot sustain in the long run.


Adapting to AV integration can be a challenging task, but it is pivotal in building your organization. Try the above features to never go wrong. And, do let us know how these worked for you. 

Brad Richman