21 Astonishing Mobile Marketing Statistics
Last year the use of mobile devices increased dramatically by consumers. Many analyst and experts in the field are predicting that mobile device usage will continue to grow rapidly as people use their devices to shop, make purchases and surf the web.
Here is a list of 20 astonishing mobile marketing statistics… and reasons why your business needs to jump on this train:
1. On last year mobile was predicted to overtake desktop Internet usage. This is largely based on the developing world having access to cheap smart phones and data plans as opposed to having to buy a laptop or desktop device to access the Internet. – Convince and Convert
2. Spending on mobile advertising will grow substantially year after year across industries. Mobile spending will keep on growing as advertising platforms begin to inflate offerings to match the needs of advertisers and other continuous improvements to both ad units and tools. – Adknowledge.com
3. Facebook and social media rule the world of apps. Mobile apps are gaining momentum as consumers spend increasing amounts of time on smart phones and tablets. In comScore’s monthly smart phone reports, Facebook is the number 1 app in terms of audience reach and engagement. – Marketingland.com
4. 4 out of 5 consumers use smart phones to shop. Mobile users are shoppers, this is not a surprise and retailers are recognizing this trend and enticing them with discounts and coupons. – Comscore.com
5. Twitter continues to offers opportunities for growth on mobile devices and 60% of twitter users access the network from mobile devices. – Traffiq.com
6. 40% of shoppers look up 3 or more channels before making a purchase. This type of behavior will eventually lead to multiply in the significance of online reputation management, fair pricing and transparency from retail outlets. – Mark2Media.com
7. 70% of mobile searches lead to online action within an hour. Mobile users that find your business online have a conversion percentage nearly three times higher than the same search done on a desktop or laptop. – Iacquire.com
8. More than 50% of consumer time spent on the internet is on mobile device. Consumers today spend more than half of their time on the internet on their mobile devices as compared to their laptops, desktops, tablet and other mobile devices. – Emarketer.com
9. The growing intersection of mobile and the retail experience become a bigger priority. The distribution of marketing budget on mobile can help produce cost and value for your customers online, which can lead to increased sales, customer engagement and a stronger LTV from your customer base. – Adknowledge.com
10. Mobile traffic will grow significantly in the next five years. According to Ericson Mobility report, growth in mobile data traffic between 2013 and 2019 will grow at 45% (compound Annual Growth Rate). – Ericson Mobility Rate
11. Video will continue to represent a majority of activity occurring on mobile devices. By 2018, mobile video will represent 69% of all mobile traffic, an increase from 53% in 2013. – Cisco Virtual Networking
12. Facebook mobile users will continue to surpass facebook desktop users. According to the Verge, Facebook recently reported that it has 1 billion active monthly users on its mobile apps and 200 million on Instagram. – Verge.com
13. Redeeming mobile coupons is on the rise. eMarketer came up with an estimate of 66% smart phone coupon users in 2012 and continue to rise year after year. – eMarketer.com
14. Social sharing on mobile devices continues to surge. – Marketingland.com
15. Marketers spent $4.4 billion on mobile advertising in the US in 2012. That figure doubled to $8.5 million in 2013 and it is projected to grow four times from that figure by 2017. – Business2Community.com
16. Mobile ads perform 4-5 times better than online ads. – Business2Community.com
17. 25% of American use mobile devices only to access the internet. And there are 5 times as many cellphones in the internet in the world as there are PCs. – Pewinternet.org
18. At present about half of B2B vendor sells through mobile while 3 in 4 respondents plan to offer mobile commerce by the end of 2014. – Webbiquity.com
19. Currently there are 143 million smart phones in use in the US and 71 million tablets. – Mediaonelink.com
20. On desktop searches, roughly one-third of clicks go to the top organic result. Average CTR on mobile devices tends to skew even more towards the first position, as smaller screens offer fewer listings at any one time. – Business2Community.com
21. 81% of users prefer mobile sites to apps for price research, 79% for product reviews, 63% for purchasing. – Snaphop.com