Ways Traditional Marketing Can Help Your Business

There is no denying that in our modern, technology-driven, digital marketing methods are king. From content marketing and SEO, to social media and pay per click advertising, digital is now an essential part of any company’s marketing strategy.

However, despite being in the digital age, traditional marketing still has its merits. Although some forms are in decline, when used alongside digital methods, they can be highly effective. As such, here are ways traditional marketing methods could help your business.

Reach a Wider Audience

While it may seem like everyone is online, according to Statistica, the global figure actually stands at 4 billion. This means that almost half of the world’s population does not, or cannot, access the internet. As such, utilising traditional marketing methods may help your business reach a wider audience, helping to supplement your digital marketing solutions and ensuring you reach as many potential customers as possible.

Make a Physical Impression

In a society where people are attached to their smartphones, many of us spend a lot of time scrolling through our phones. This means that while you can send out emails or pay for social media adverts, your customers may not always be receptive. In some cases, sending a physical brochure or letter may stand out more against the sea of social media posts. This is because a physical item can be revisited, while a user can scroll past multiple posts in a matter of seconds.

Create a Personal Connection

Although social media is an effective method to reach out to your customers, start a conversation and create a connection. Traditional marketing can be a great way to get personal, too. For example, sending personalized direct mail shows customers that you have taken the time to address them personality, a technique that can be particularly effective for local businesses. Or, if customers are visiting your location, having information around your place held in an acrylic sign holder can be very handy.

Building Up a Community

In addition to making human connections, traditional marketing can also be used to build a community. While this can also be done online, face-to-face and more personal interactions can help build a community for your business, which could help to build a loyal customer base.

While digital marketing may be at the forefront of strategies, there is a reason why businesses continue to discuss and utilise traditional techniques: they work. While digital methods have the scale to reach a wider, more international audience at a much faster rate, traditional methods from the likes of Leaflet Drop have been tried, tested and deliver excellent results.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.