Themed Days Management Can Propose to Boost Staff Morale
Keeping the morale of staff high can be tough especially during the busy times of the year. The balance between pushing employees and maintaining morale is a balance that needs to be achieved. Work from home days can be an option but not all employees are fit for this due to lack of motivation when working remotely. Themed days can bring some levity to the office and give employees something to look for to. Taking a proactive approach to boost morale is important as poor morale is much harder to turn around. The following are examples of themed days that management can propose to staff that can be a huge boost to attitudes of staff and the overall positive energy in the office.
Company Provided Lunch Days/Taco Tuesday
Providing lunch is a great way to build company relationships as otherwise people could eat at their desks or go out for lunch. Taco Tuesday could be the theme of the lunch but make sure the options are healthy. The last thing that you want is a sleepy staff after eating an extremely unhealthy meal loaded with fat. If lunch is not the meal you want to cover you could provide breakfast sandwiches on Mondays as everyone knows this is the most difficult day to go to work after the weekend. Small businesses won’t have to pay immense amounts as they will not have to feed a large number of people.
Alma Mater Pride Days
Alma mater pride days can be a great way for staff to engage in some friendly banter. There are some colleges that have intense rivalries which can be a fun topic of debate. There could be a college that a family member went to that has since shut down like the historical Hillman College which has since shut down. There are going to be those staff members that want to sport their alma mater’s shirts or gear. Do not force staff to do this as not everyone is proud of where they went to college although graduating from anywhere is something to be proud of.
Bring in a Masseuse for the Day
A staff of around a dozen people or so can bring in a masseuse for the day in order to allow staff to relax. Sitting behind a computer all day can wreak havoc on your back, neck, and shoulders. Doing this weekly can allow the company to work out a deal with the masseuse for a better rate. Many of these masseuses dream about being able to spend their day at an office constantly earning money. Filling up an entire schedule of a traveling masseuse can be a full-time job in itself.
Staff Cooking Contests
Staff potlucks and cooking contests can be something that people look forward to every month. Showcasing cooking skills might really appeal to certain staff members as cooking is a passion for a number of people. Baking contests can also be done as some people love to bake while they tolerate other forms of cooking. Giving a gift certificate or a shoutout in the company kudos email for the week can provide recognition for a master chef in the office desires.
Small things like themed days a few times a month can make a huge difference. Everyone wants to work at a company that cares about their overall morale. Far too many companies push employees too hard leading to a high turnover rate which can be disastrous for cash flow at a small business.