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Tag Archives for " Retail "

Understanding Retail: Fundamentals and Future Trends

Retail is an important (and indispensable) part of the economy. Modern relations between sellers and customers are impossible without retail. Thus, we’re going to focus on this type of trading and discuss the question “What is retail business?”. By its definition, retail is a type of trade, during which a business sells its services or […]

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Lightspeed’s Report on the State of Retail, and What it Means for your Business

Two years of rapid change, disruption, and acceleration have brought the retail industry to a new level. new era.Independent retailers face changing health regulations and supply chain woes. They also have to deal with a constantly evolving workforce. What are the next steps for business owners?  Small Biz Sense was always keen to better understand […]

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5 Tips for Managing a Multi Location Retail Business

Management of retail stores is not easy. And when there are multiple locations, it can become even more difficult.  Businesses that want to expand and scale need solid procedures to ensure smooth operations. In this article, we’re going to explore some tips to help you manage multiple retail store locations. You’ll hear retailers and experts […]

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How Super Saturday can Boost your Retail Holiday Sales (With 5 Proven Approaches by Shopping Revenue Experts)

Retail has had a remarkable year. Black Friday is barely behind you and now it’s time to turn your attention to that last-minute dash for holiday gift sales—the increasingly important, Super Saturday. It’s a highly competitive time of year, and no doubt many retailers will be eyeing an extra sales kick to ease some of […]

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The Beginner’s Guide To Designing A Lucrative Retail Shop Floor Plan

Imagine you’re your customer for a moment. What is the first thing you notice when you walk into a store? What makes you want to browse through the products every time you pass a display, aisle, shelf rack or shelf? What makes you only stay a few seconds at the entranceway before moving on? These […]

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