Surprising things that can destroy a company’s reputation
As a business owner, your company’s reputation is just as valuable as your clients and your profits. Yet, it’s one of the trickiest aspects of business to get right. You may find that as your business starts to expand, keeping a lid on your business’ reputation and character gets harder and harder, as it’s
not always easy to get things right the first time or guarantee that complaints and grievances won’t fall through the net.
Thankfully, many of these issues can be resolved via a strong customer service team and continually building on the strengths and training of your employees. But what if these issues cannot be resolved by your customer service team? What if the damage to your company is too great?
Here we’ll explore surprising things that can destroy a company’s reputation.
An accident at work
Accidents at work happen. Whether someone has scolded themselves with their hot drink or given themselves a papercut. But when that accident results in hospitalisation, workers’ compensation or a potential police investigation into the business, it can throw the company’s reputation into
disrepute. If you’ve been injured at work and it could have been avoided, get in touch with a Fort Lee worker’s compensation lawyer as soon as possible.
No employee should come to work and risk their health and their life. Proper training, high-quality safety equipment and a positive working environment will help keep all your employees safe and your company’s reputation intact.
Leaking company data or client info
As a business you’re not just handling customers and clients, products and services – you’re also handling their data and sensitive information such as product details, contact information, bank details and personal information. If this sensitive data was to be compromised or stolen, then your business could be looking at a catastrophic desolation of your reputation and even legal implications. Cybercrime, hackers, stolen files and hardware, even poor organization of documents and records can all lead to the loss of company data and your client information.
You’ll find it difficult for current and future clients to trust you after losing their information!
Poor social media practices
Social media is a lifeline for businesses large or small. From advertising to highlighting your latest products, outlining upcoming deals and events, handling customer queries and reaching out directly to potential customers, it’s all done with just a few clicks. Worryingly, poor social media practices
have the ability to destroy your company’s reputation.
Being tone deaf to tragedy or current events can have a serious negative impact on your company, along with jokes that are in poor taste, badly handled customer reviews or complaints and even employees badmouthing your company online. All of these actions can cast doubt over your
company’s character and professionalism.
And finally, poor working conditions
If you don’t look after your employees, then it won’t be long before everyone knows about it. Unfair and poor working conditions, workplace discrimination and toxic work culture can destroy your company’s reputation from within.