Software Development Technology That Will Rule 2020

Technology has rapidly developed over the last decade with trends changing what seems to be annually. Software developers will see changes with developers that are adaptable dominating the market. The development of the right software combined with a solid marketing strategy can lead to immense financial success. Even niche products being developed can potentially change the trajectory of a particular business. The newest technology in software development can change the way developers code. The following are different types of technology that will rule software and IOS development services in 2020. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI has incredibly exciting but its critics believe it will end badly. Artificial intelligence being self-aware is something that has been covered in quite a few science fiction and horror movies. The automation of tasks can make life easier which is the reason a plethora of companies are trying to corner the AI market. Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of AI and the convenience that it can provide to those utilizing it. Smart technology in the home is another example of our reliance on AI without even realizing it. Cybersecurity utilizing AI actually stops hacks in real-time once it detects there is a potential data breach or hack. Cybersecurity allows the system to be proactive when preventing unauthorized hackers from gaining access to the system. 


Coding is going to be a staple of any software developer’s daily routine. Web and app development can be extremely profitable for those that are fluent in the coding languages. Mobile technology has taken over making mobile app development extremely valuable to a number of companies. Languages will continue to be developed over time which is something all web developers understand and have to be willing to adapt to. The jobs in coding are only growing in number due to the demand. Look for coding classes and online education to produce a large number of new coders. Not only can coding be profitable but it is a skill that can help immensely in terms of job security. Coding can allow a person to work in a variety of industries. The need for coders is present in healthcare and finance just to name a few. Coding boot camps to test your skills and develop them are becoming more prevalent as well. For a developer that has taken time away from coding, this could be a great way to sharpen your skills in a short period of time. 


Chatbots are present in a number of industries from digital marketing to personal injury attorneys. Assisting with the website visitor’s experience can allow them to find something or be directed to the page they are looking for. The creation of a chatbot easily be done by an expert web developer and it can save company time daily through this automation. Software is even available where the bot can be trained allowing for the best experience possible. The support a customer can receive from a bot 24 hours a day will only add to the positive customer experience. 

Voice Commands 

Voice commands are becoming a feature on a variety of assistants like the Amazon Alexa and Google Home. As mentioned above, convenience is the goal of a variety of these areas of technology. Voice commands will impact search engine rankings and the way search results are provided. Being able to turn on music or even lower the temperature in the home with your voice is just the beginning. The interactive nature of voice commands is what technology is trending towards. The integration of products utilizing voice command technology will continue to grow. Amazon has done a great job of this by giving their products the ability to integrate seamlessly. The personalized experience that one of these voice command assistants can offer can include commute times, daily agendas, or even the ability to wake up with soothing music. 

Software development technology is only going to continue to improve as new technology is released. Intuitive software is going to continue to take over the market. People want an interactive learning experience with the software. The days of having a huge manual with far too many terms for technology for the common person to understand are over. 

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.