Relocating Your Business? Here are 7 Factors to Consider
Deciding to move your business is not an easy one. You have taken the time to set up your company in that area and have built a customer base in that area. Moving to a new place means that you are essentially starting from scratch. This can be extremely difficult if it is not done right and can even result in the collapse of your company.
Here are seven factors to consider when relocating your business.
Removals and Shipping
When deciding to move the company, you are going to have a ton of objects and materials that are expensive and need to be brought over to the new site. Some of this equipment can be extremely heavy and fragile at the same time, therefore you do not want to risk having to transport it yourself. When removing things from your old spot, look to enlist the help of a removal and shipping company. These companies will work to gather up all your belongings and ship them to wherever they need to go. As stated by, these removal companies can even help with overseas moves, ensuring that you will have help no matter where you plan on moving your business to. With so much overhead to worry about, the last thing you want is to deal with, is a move. Make sure to contact beforehand the company that you will consider to help with the removal and shipping of your business goods to learn more about their terms of service.
Customers and Advertising
When you leave an old spot, you are leaving behind that customer base and therefore will have to create a new one. If you are not moving too far from your old location, there is a chance that you can retain everyone who does business with you. If you are moving further away, however, you will have to look into a new client base. Start advertising early in the new location so once your business is set up you already have calls and work ready for you. Customers and advertising are something that has to be considered when relocating your business.
Moving to a new location means different tax laws. Brush up on the tax procedures in the new location and make sure that you are adhering to all the laws that are in place. If those things are difficult, look to hire an accountant to help handle your finances and bring your company up to speed on the new tax laws that are in place. Always make sure that you are aware of the tax legislation when relocating your business.
After you have moved, you will have to find new employees to fill the gaps of those who were not able to relocate with you. Whenever you are relocating a company, you have to see which employees can come to the new location with you and which ones are unable to. From there, look to hire for vacant positions and work to train them quickly so that they will be making an immediate impact on your company. Figure out what your employment situation is going to be like after the move and make adjustments accordingly.
Opportunity to Grow
The place that you are looking to relocate to should have a market for what your company is doing. Not only that, but you want to put yourself in a position where the company can grow and become larger than it is in its current area. If the area does not allow proper growth, your company will become stagnant and eventually will collapse. Make sure that you assess the location before you relocate your business.
Impact On the Community
Next, you have to consider the impact that you are going to have on the community by opening up your business there. If you are moving into a small community, consider if there will be enough employees for your business. As well as that, research into how the community would accept your business moving in. The last thing you want is to move to an area that instantly does not want you there. Research the community and figure out their needs and desires before relocating.
Impact on Shareholders
Finally, if your company is in the stock market, there is a good chance that you have investors and shareholders. They are the ones who have invested in your company and want to see it succeed. Any possible relocation should be run through a board of shareholders and the outlook of the stock should be considered. Any move that would make the stock plummet should be avoided. Remember to consider the impact your relocation will have on the shareholders.
Moving a business is not as easy as just moving from one area to the other. There are plenty of things that have to be considered to make sure that it is smooth and successful. By following these steps, however, you can ensure that you are moving your business for the right reasons and that you will be prepared to do business in a new area. What kind of business do you run?