Keys To Improving Your Brick And Mortar Sales
Keys to improving your brick and mortar sales can be a bit tricky. However, there are ways and we want to explore those ways to improve your brick and mortar sales. If the following steps seem too complicated check out Mobile Insight to help you with your sales.
Customer Experience
As with online you want to provide your customer with a positive experience. However, a brick and mortar company you provide an in-person experience. Make sure that your store is laid out in a fashion that makes sense and you can pick up some quick sales with quick items near the register. Having small items that people don’t think twice about can really bring in some additional cash. Also, personalize your store up. If your brick and mortar store is yours and not a franchise you have all kinds of options to go with here.
Personalize it towards your brand and what you want people to remember when they walk away. Maybe you are selling hot household trendy decor, having it hanging on the walls of your store in a fun and cabin-like fashion will show the potential buyers what it looks like hanging. Get creative and have some fun with your store’s look and feel. Remember, people buy on emotions, play that to your advantage.
Be friendly and add your pet.
If you have a store that it makes sense to bring your pet to, do that! A store mascot is always welcome and loved by patrons and it makes your store unique. Not only that, but people will stop in just to see your pet and offer them treats if you allow. They will stop in more frequently just to say hi. Bringing a personal touch such as a pet to the shop can be what your shop is known for.
Learn to know your customers. Most brick and mortar stores will know their clients over time. They will know their name and call them by name. This is not something you get at a big box store and people appreciate it.
Always put your best foot forward. If you have time, offer to help carry out the heavy items. Or take a minute to chat with the store clients and see how they are doing. Being friendly and personable doesn’t cost a thing. However, if people feel loved and cared about they will come in more often.
Have your policies stated clearly.
Also, have a clear and consistent refund policy and a way for your customers to order online, if possible. Ordering online and pick up services are some things that people have come to really enjoy and love. Be sure that your signs are clear and understandable. Be sure that your signs reflect your branding as well. This portrays a level of professionalism and trust.
Run specials and promotions that will entice people to stop in. Be sure that they are advertised online locally. Run some online marketing campaigns to perk the interest of new customers. By using your customer’s data that you already have, you can create lookalike audiences and retarget people that are similar. Offer a rewards program with each purchase that can add up to encourage spending. There are lots of ways to increase brick and mortar sales. You just have to get creative.