How To Make Sure That Your Customers Are Safe When Visiting Your Website

There is no doubt that e-transactions are the future. This is an area of interaction that plays a huge role in promoting small ventures and gives them unique chances.

Due to its ability to be lucrative, it has attracted a lot of cybercrime as of late. This is a huge threat to the $6 billion collected as revenue annually from $200 million e-transactions. It has been studied and proven that a number nearing half of all shoppers in the world are comfortable doing their shopping online rather than in person. Experts are claiming that this number is most likely to increase, and these calls for better security in websites to ensure customers’ safety.

Creating ways to ensure cybersecurity in your websites will boost your customer trust heavily, and your business will enjoy profits. This is important as many customers have a simple understanding of safety within websites and will rule out any business venture that seems to have a lousy security setup. 

Keep in mind that customers being the buyers, put up sensitive information on the website, such as their credit card information. These types of information’s sensitive nature will make them more alert to locate poorly secured sites, which mean a poor business activity for such ventures. In other ways to say that you should know your customer.

So What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity, in general, is the art of protecting data storage systems and operating software from targeted attacks that are mainly malicious. The concept of cybersecurity is subdivided into various categories, which are;

  • Network protection- as suggested by the name, this section deals with protecting a computer or serves network lines from intruders and any form of malware.
  • Application security-here the main focus is on software, whether inbuilt or third-party. Again the range here applies from computer to mobile phone software. An application loaded with malware may compromise the entire system and, on the worst, lead to data loss.
  • Information security-this deals with protecting the authenticity and privacy of the information passed to and fro.
  • Operational blocking – this faction’s basically to close out unauthorized parties from systems and applications. Basic as they may sound, they serve a great deal of privacy and authenticity protection.
  • User chain education- here, an important type of cyber threat is addressed, and that is unintentional compromises. Users of the system or application are pre-warned to take caution of suspicious emails and usage of compromised plugins such as flash discs and memory cards.

What Is The Scope Of Cyber Threats?

Cyber threat has evolved with time as technology leads the way. The scale of cyber threats has been growing daily, with each day holding a breathtaking figure. Again, no single branch of the corporate world has been left out. 

Numbers have been seen to rise to form health, business, retail, governance, and transport to the most crucial, personal data storage units. Assumptions and speculations have been done claiming that this affects mainly underdeveloped countries. Still, you will be shocked to understand that the largest cyber threat victims are the very countries with the best capability to prevent these incidences.

Types Of Cyber Threats

Cybersecurity has had long-standing enemies, which are; cybercrime, cyber-attacks, and cyber-terrorism.

These types of cyber threat have mainly been seen to fall into the forms of;

  • Malware- This means malicious software. These are mostly spread via unauthorized emails and play a major role in damaging or, in other words corrupting systems. Malware has been experienced mostly by cooperatives that do many to and fro exchange of information with their clients.
  • Virus- Similar to the medical virus, this type is self-replicating and quite stubborn to remove. It mainly attaches to a file and spreads through the entire system corrupting clean files.
  • Trojans- These disguise as legitimate software or files to find access to guarded systems where they work to corrupt the set system.
  • Botnets- These are computers used mainly by hackers who are pre-infected with malware and mainly target taking control of one online functioning without user permission.

So How Do You Protect Your Customers From Cyber Threats?

Malware Scanning

As pre noted, malware is dangerous and causes a lot of damage. Note again that they affect websites too. They cause slowed loading. They may add unwanted advertisements and damage website visitor’s devices that are all bad for business. 

Scanning them will help your website smoke them out if the website users achieve a present and a better experience.

Do Security Updating Regularly

To get help with this, ask your web developer or data provider for assistance. If that is not preferred, perform personal patching and updating of security for your website. This helps reduce the occurrence of malware on the website, and in return, your customers are fully protected.

Take the SSL certificate

In particular, take the extended validation SSL versions. These use the highest SSL technology level and ensure the best level of authenticity and pro protection against fraud in the website.

Customers have learned how to look for SSL-backed and secured websites by checking for the green display of the website name to confirm this. This style has been used widely in recent times to show the availability of an extra layer of security in websites. It goes without saying that customers have placed it as a favorite checkup mechanism. 

Take Control Of The Website

Many business entities have been seen to hire third parties to control and manage their websites. This is a major mistake. Think of it as a child of yours whom you wouldn’t leave to be parented by other people. Here, the question of practicality arises when some technicalities require owner involvement where absentia may course exploitation of your customers. 

The level of absurdity here includes leaving your SSL domain information at the mercy of third parties who do not have any specific interests in your customers. Thus, negligence is hard to prevent. Again, it is understood that managing the website can be overwhelming, but hiring an extra hand to take that task has always proven to be effective.

Use Good Passwords

This phrase has been used conventionally to mean strong and perfect passwords. These are required regardless of the use of the password. Strong passwords are mainly those with about eight characters, a combination of numbers and symbols, and again don’t forget to use both upper and lower case letters. 

There is a huge need to be considered here as password memorability is also a factor to consider. If your website creator has password safes, you can always take up the offered password since it ensures more security. By this, you lock out intruders, and your visiting customers enjoy your website to their fill. Remember to do this for all your possible threat inlets, financial ends, emailing platforms, or marketing inlets.

Know Your Customers

It is important to be in the ability to locate real customers and threatening intruders. This will be achieved by regular scanning and comparing notes with other website owners to generate more ideas. 

Here you will be protecting your customers from Trojans, which are hard to identify once they have found the opportunity to leak into your website. Be warned that they can do real damage. Below are top applications to help you identify customers and keep off cybercriminals. 

Top-Notch Applications To Know Your Customers And Avoid Cybercriminals

  • Zone H- Zone h is mainly a cybercrime archive. It holds information for you of cyber threats affecting other websites taking a common topic as your websites. It also suggests various ways to keep away from the said threat. This is very instrumental In ensuring that only genuine clients get to access your website.
  • Sam spade- This is what you need to test any loopholes in your website. It smokes out your vulnerability sports for you in every scan you make. In the recent past, it has become a favorite with many websites, agreeing with authenticity when it comes to securing your loopholes.
  • Dashlane- Dashlane is your savior if you have a problem remembering your passwords; it saves them up for you in an encrypted folder. This saves you from the hustle of saving them in the cloud, where they are open to cybercriminals. This way, your website is always secure from unauthorized logins, thus securing your customers.
  • ZoneAlarm– Every website requires a secure firewall. The firewall is always your first line of defense from cyber-attacks, and you should invest in a good one, for that matter. ZoneAlarm provides good firewalls, which do an excellent job keeping the unwanted intruders away from the website. They also have good internet speed testers, which are what you will require to smoke out the malware in your system.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.