How To Leverage A Company’s Blog And Content Strategy To Boost Sales
The world of digital marketing has quite a few niches but content drives a majority of the industry. This could be product copy, blog posts, articles, podcasts, or even something as simple as an ad with copywriting. The right content strategy will do a myriad of things for a company but most companies try to increase their sales with content marketing campaigns. These campaigns not only drive traffic but they drive sales as well as help showcase the knowledge a company possesses. The following are tactics that will help a company generate sales through their blog and overall content strategy.
Use Google Analytics To Optimize The Editorial Calendar
Google Analytics is what every company needs to be utilizing when creating an editorial calendar. While companies should only create quality content there are just some pieces of content that the editorial team knows is going to do better than others in terms of traffic and social interaction. There are specific days and times where the website has the most traffic. Save the great pieces of content for these times as it will increase the number of readers and those reposting the article if individuals find it informative. At the same time a great piece of content can generate traffic as well so this is something that has to be strategized. Simply posting at generic times or late at night can lead to the company blog having far less traffic when compared to strategic posting times/days.
Utilize Different Types Of Content
A company limiting their content strategy to that of written content can do a few things. You alienate the portion of the company’s target demographic that like to consume content via video, podcast, or infographic. Podcasting is growing in popularity for a myriad of reasons including the fact that the hosts of the podcast can go in-depth on a topic. Long form written content can be far too boring to read through but with an entertaining podcast a listener can learn immense amounts in a small period of time. Bringing in others in the industry to be guests on a podcast can build B2B relationships that can be leveraged in the future.
Offsite Articles Published Need To Be Top Of The Line
Writing articles for the purpose of publishing on related websites can help showcase knowledge as well as get the company website a backlink. Building backlinks is extremely important as this can help a company rank higher on the search engines for related terms to their products/services. The backlinks that can be earned through other websites reposting the content or referencing the can help stay at the top of the search engines. Even if the writing of the article has to be outsourced it is important that the company is represented appropriately on industry publications. Outreach is going to be necessary in order to secure placements on publications and this can be handled in-house. For exciting companies or a company with an interesting model it might be easier to get responses to outreach emails.
The Marketing And Sales Departments Have To Communicate Well
Nobody on the staff understands what the customer demographic is more than the sales team. If the sales team is constantly getting low quality leads something needs to change in the marketing or advertising. Every content marketing campaign needs to have a goal though as branding can be important in generating sales. The ROI on these campaigns is the most important piece of data as it will help shape future campaigns. For this reason gathering data at every turn can allow sales to be maximized. Even something as simple as rewriting a sales pitch and doing A/B testing with pitches can be of help.
Use A Host That Is SEO Friendly
There are just some hosts that are more SEO friendly than others. Things like page speed and loading times can impact SEO as the search engines incorporate this into their ranking algorithm. Transferring the company domain name to a new host is quite simple but can take around 10 days depending on the provider. There are hosts that do not accept domains from certain countries as well as hosts that might not want to host certain types of websites. This is one of the simplest ways to improve a website’s overall ranking and having a faster website speed will offer better customer experience. Use a tool that helps link to articles on the blog and generates these links due to certain keywords that a piece of content contains.
Getting the most out of the company blog and boosting sales is going to be a process. Do not expect to see results overnight as content marketing has to be done over a period of time.Take the time to evaluate whether your company is getting everything it can from the company blog and content marketing campaigns.