How to Create a Killer Business Strategy in 10 steps

Business strategy requires planning for long-term, actionable goals.  You want a business strategy that will last. Creating phenomenal strategic planning in a few hours is not possible. Here are ten steps of creating a killing strategy.

1. Establish a clear vision

Among the below POI (points of interest) vision is necessary in making any kind of business strategy. The meaning of the word vision can vary from person to person. Vision statements or visions are traditionally snapshots of the future. In contrast to a mission statement, it clearly outlines what success looks like (customers, markets, volume, etc.).

2. Identify competitive advantage

An organization’s strategy is defined by its ability to deliver unique value to its customers. There is a sea of sameness in many sectors of the economy. A well-planned business strategy should consider how a company can set itself apart from competitors in its service model, pricing, delivery system, and more.

3. Identify your goals

Poor targeting is a major barrier to growth. Because companies lack very specific targets, their marketing and sales are misaligned. Niche and specialization enable companies to target resources (though some specialize in design).

Marketing enables sales productivity when companies have clear target markets, developing integrated sales and marketing approaches. When targets are tight, sales and marketing plans will be more effective.

4. Emphasize systematic growth

A growing company is thriving. Growth is only possible by investing in technology, the best people, and new equipment. The strategic plan needs to indicate which segments are to grow in what proportion so that the product mix can yield a specific net margin. After reaching such conclusions, a company can only determine how much it can afford in terms of capex, overhead expenses, etc.

5. Decision-based on facts

You get what you put in when it comes to strategy; despite executives complaining about a lack of good data, we find information that helps us form strategies.

6. Keep an eye on the future

Planned horizons are shorter due to constant change. However, only thinking quarterly may hinder companies’ ability to see the future. In best-in-class companies, strategy is treated as an annual cycle rather than a one-time event.

7. Be flexible but nimble

Despite thinking long-term, companies can still be nimble. An analysis of external forces is an important part of the strategy. To adapt to changes in external forces, companies should evaluate long-term external forces.

8. Embrace diversity

Companies involve different people in their strategy to be more nimble. Transparency is increasing as companies hire more millennials. There is certainly moving toward greater inclusion and transparency among companies. It is crucial to decide who to include in strategy formation. Business owners should choose strategic thinkers they trust.

9. Prepare in advance

Prepare relevant information for your strategy meetings ahead of time if you want your managers to take strategy seriously.

10. Track your results and perform well

Actionable strategies should be part of every strategy. The best companies:

-They keep track of their strategic action plan frequently (typically monthly).

-All executives and departments should own the plan.

-Predictive and aligned key performance indicators (KPIs) should be used.

-Implement cascading goals that reach all departments and give employees a clear sense of how they contribute to the organization as a whole.

-Establish a performance management cycle that cascades goals and objectives to each employee, as well as setting up their corporate calendar to promote productive meetings and team building.

-Every year, rinse and repeat the strategy cycle.

-Senior executives need to encourage processes that keep a team focused on the prize to execute strategic planning effectively.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.