How to Boost Staff Retention
Staff turnover happens in every business, but it can be costly. Not only do you need to consider the money you have spent on recruitment and training, you will also need to factor in the cost to the business if nobody is doing that job for a while. As an employer, you could reduce your expenses greatly by retaining your staff for longer, but what are the best ways of doing that? We’ll outline a few strategies below.
Start by considering your recruitment process. Many employers want to know that their new recruits have the right qualifications and credentials for the job. However, it is also important to know if you are recruiting the right people for the job. Will they fit in with the existing team or are there likely to be clashes? Will they adhere to the work culture socially? These are all things that will make your new recruit invest emotionally in your company or leave quickly, so make sure you get this right to start with.
Nobody wants to feel like a newbie for too long so make sure the onboarding process works smoothly and your recruit starts to feel confident quickly. They may not know it all straight away but knowing where they can go for help will make a big difference to their enjoyment of the job and their desire to stay.
Staff retention can be improved by ongoing training too. Your staff will not want to stay in the same position forever but if they feel there is nowhere to progress to, they will be off eventually, taking their experience with them. Make sure there are ongoing chances to be trained and a clear path for progression and you will be able to retain staff for longer.
Surprisingly, a better pay packet is not the biggest reason for employees to stay or leave a company. Nobody likes to think they are being taken advantage of, but a good benefit package can often mean more to a person than a few extra dollars in their pay packet. Providing benefits such as a flexible working schedule, time off in lieu if they have been putting in a lot of extra hours and the ability to work from home can be very important, so think about how you can offer these things to your staff without a cost to the business and hopefully they will want to stay.
Downtime during the working day is important to stop employees from burning out and looking for jobs elsewhere. Make sure that they can take regular breaks. A relaxing staff room to spend their downtime in can be important and needn’t cost you more than the price of a cheap football table and use of the internet for sites such as which they can play on their breaks.
Use these effective tips to retain staff and you will find this a lot more cost-effective than the price of your existing staff turnover.