How Lead Videos are Helping Small Businesses to Grow

A lead video is a short, entertaining video that provides information about your business and generates leads. It answers the question “What do you do?” or “How does it work?” Lead videos are an excellent way to tell people who you are and what you offer in just a few minutes. They also help new customers see how they can benefit from doing business with your company before they invest any time to learn more.

What Are Lead Videos And How Do They Work?

A lead video is a short, entertaining video that provides information about your business and generates leads. Lead videos are an excellent way to tell people who you are and what you offer in just a few minutes. They also help new customers see how they can benefit from doing business with your company before they invest any time to discover more.

In the past, when someone searched for business marketing or something like it on Google, they would find text articles describing various kinds of businesses and some ads peppered throughout the page. 

Nowadays, suppose someone searches for those exact words. In that case, the chances are good that their results will include one (or many!) lead videos that show them exactly what kind of services other companies offering similar products provide.

Lead videos are used for various purposes, but they’re most commonly seen in the form of what some people refer to as “sales pitches.” That is, someone walks viewers through who their company is and then talks about how customers can benefit from doing business with them: in other words, why you should buy their product or service. 

Lead videos offer information on services that might be difficult to convey over text alone without being overwhelming or affecting your wordpress web design

If your business sells more than one type of item or provides more than one service (or if there are many different ways you could potentially use your products), lead video content gives potential buyers an easy way to explore those options at a glance—without having to dig through dozens of websites or read pages and pages of text.

How can you use lead videos to grow your business?

They are an excellent tool for marketing because they’re short, entertaining, and easy to watch. They also help potential customers before they invest any time in learning more about your company.

Lead video content gives people who aren’t quite sure what kind of services you offer an opportunity to get the gist quickly without reading too much text or watching lengthy videos—a recent study shows that 89% of viewers will spend at least 20 seconds on a website with a well-designed video embedded within it! 

On top of this, many prospects will click away from sites if their video doesn’t load fast enough, so you’ll want to make sure your site is fast.

Lead videos offer a rare chance to get in front of people who may not know that they need what you have! Lead video content can be helpful even if someone isn’t actively looking for something because it offers customers information about new options at their fingertips without forcing them to spend any time searching or reading text.

It’s worth noting, too, that lead videos are often more accessible and more enjoyable to watch than other types of marketing materials like brochures and pamphlets—though these things do still have their place when used wisely.

Why Should Small Businesses Invest In Lead Videos?

Small businesses are often resource-strapped. They don’t have the time, budget, or workforce to invest in marketing tools that might not produce results. However, lead videos convert better than any other lead generation tool on the market because they’re engaging and easy for people to watch. This is why more small businesses should invest in them!

  • What’s a Lead Video?

It’s an explainer video specifically designed to capture leads (namely, email addresses). These short, informative clips give viewers all of the information they need about a product or service while also providing contact details so interested parties can sign up without leaving their chairs. 

The ultimate goal of these types of videos is to generate qualified sales leads at a low cost per conversion, making it a perfect marketing tool for small businesses.

  • How Do Lead Videos Work?

It’s pretty simple, actually! When potential customers land on the video, they are immediately engaged by an expert who teaches them about your product or service in a quick and easy-to-understand way. This is accomplished through graphics, humor, voiceover narration, sound effects, or music. 

The best part of lead videos is that you can make them specific to your company so viewers will feel like they’re getting personalized information from someone who cares about their needs. Then, once the viewer has been sufficiently educated on what you have to offer and why they need it, there’s text at the bottom telling them how easily they can sign up for more information (and hopefully join!).

  • Why Aren’t More Small Businesses Using This?

Lead videos are a great way to generate leads for your small business, but they’re not always an easy sell. It can be challenging to convince busy owners that investing in marketing tools is worth the time and effort, considering how quickly they depreciate. The key here is education – you need to show them what it will mean when their company grows because of lead videos.

Show them the possibilities, show them other businesses who have been successful with this type of strategy and then give them all of the information they’ll need to make an informed decision about whether or not the investment is worthwhile. Your success depends on it!

Small businesses should invest in lead video technology because;

  • It’s engaging
  • It’s educational
  • It converts better than any other lead generation tool on the market
  • Lead videos are specifically designed to capture leads (namely email addresses)
  • The ultimate goal of these types of videos is to generate qualified sales leads at a low cost per conversion
  • Small businesses can make it specific to their company so viewers will feel like they’re getting personalized information from someone who cares about their needs. Once the viewer has been sufficiently educated, the text tells them how easily they can sign up for more information and hopefully join!

Final Words

Whether you’re a small or relatively large business, you must be investing in lead video technology and using it to its fullest potential. It’s an engaging, educational marketing tool that converts better than any other type of lead generation out there, so don’t let your small business be left behind.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.