How Being Accused of a Crime Affects Your Business

We know being convicted of a crime is not fun, and it can leave a permanent mark on your life. Worst of all is that sometimes this will severely affect your career. And we know that innocent people get convicted of crimes fairly often.

The Cost of Crime

Being convicted of a crime will cost you money. We all know the general idea of going to the police station, posting bail and awaiting a court sentencing. But do we ever consider the cost of these?

Your Stay in the Police Station

Spending an evening in a police station could cause you to miss out on an urgent meeting or the closure of a deal that could make or break the business. We know you may not like it, but being compliant with police officers will save you a ton of time and may help your case if you’ve been wrongfully accused.

Posting Bail

After you’ve been to the police station, getting out of there means you’ll need to post bail. The cost of bail typically ranges from nothing to everything you own, depending on the crime you’re accused of. Sometimes we can’t take out a bail bond alone, and so we’ll need friends or family to co-sign it, which can cost them money as well.

Upgrading to Jail

If you can’t post bail, which we know can be expensive, you’ll have to sit in jail until your case is brought before a judge. Staying in jail can add to the negative effect on your reputation, keep you away from your business, and prevent you from making vital financial decisions.

What Sentences Could You Face?

Crime and punishment go hand in hand, and sadly, we have a blind justice system that sometimes pins the blame on the wrong side. The penalty that could be placed on those found guilty varies depending on the crime.

For business owners or employees, there are a few besides prison that could be detrimental to one’s life or business. These include the revoking of licenses such as driver’s license, doctor’s license, and fishing license. All of these various degrees or certificates that once permitted you to do something otherwise considered illegal could be revoked

How Do You Prevent Sentencing?

To be declared innocent can be a harsh road, and it’s costly too. Hiring a good criminal defense attorney isn’t always cheap. But if we were to choose between money or avoiding jail, we’d pick the best attorney available. 

If you’re facing the loss of your professional license, you need to be clear about what you are being accused of. Keller Law Offices advise that “Allegations may include things like substance abuse, neglect, inappropriate billing, conflict of interests, and injury.” Fortunately, the loss of a license doesn’t always have to escalate to court as the licensing council can decide it.

The Jury’s Decision

The best way to avoid any risk of being accused of a crime is to be as open and honest as possible. But should you be charged, it may become costly. Having good attorneys and friends may prevent it from costing you everything.


Alex is a small business blogger with a focus on entrepreneurship and growth. With over 5 years of experience covering the startup and small business landscape, Alex has a reputation for being a knowledgeable, approachable and entrepreneurial-minded blogger. He has a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing small business owners, and is able to provide actionable advice and strategies for success. Alex has interviewed successful entrepreneurs, and covered major small business events such as the Small Business Expo and the Inc. 500|5000 conference. He is also a successful entrepreneur himself, having started and grown several small businesses in different industries.