Cover Your Bases: A Step-by-Step Guide to Constructing a Baseball Field
Whether or not you’ve seen Field of Dreams, almost everyone growing up in America has dreamed of building a baseball field. You could sit out on eternal summer evenings watching the players in their crisp white uniforms against the rich green of the field. Fireflies would blink in and out as you rise to your feet, watching, as if in slow-motion, as your runner dives for home plate.
But the question which often rudely interrupts those fantasies is, “How much does it cost to build a baseball field?” With the right capital, you could make that dream a reality someday. Read on to learn more about what’s involved in building a baseball field and how much it will cost you.
Find the Right Site
The first step to building a baseball field is to find the right site for your new stadium. Depending on what you’re using the field for, you may want to pick someplace in or near a city or suburban area. You need to make sure there’s room, not only for the field and seats but also for parking and the rest of the infrastructure you need for a baseball field.
There are some pros and cons of building your baseball field in or near a city. On one hand, greater population density means more likelihood that you’ll be able to get people to the games. On the other hand, you have to find a big enough patch of unused land that’s good enough quality to work as a baseball field.
Create Your Design
Once you’ve found a suitable spot for your baseball field, it’s time to start working on your design. You’ll need to work with an architect who specializes in arenas and stadiums for this. But developing some specific ideas about what you want for the stadium ahead of time can help your architect see the vision you’re aiming for.
If you’re looking at building a full-size baseball park in a city, you can probably expect to pay north of a million dollars for the plans. For a more modest stadium, your cost will be a good bit cheaper. Talk to your architect about rate estimates before you begin.
Once you have your plans in hand, it’s time to begin the excavation process for your field. Depending on your design, your field may sit as far as fifty feet underground to provide enough seating above it. Even if you’re building a smaller field, you’ll have to do some excavation work to get your field dug out smooth and level.
How much your excavation costs will depend in large part on how far down you’re digging and how long it takes. If you’re building a major league field in the Rocky Mountains, you’re going to be looking at excavation costs in the millions. If you’re building a small community field, you can pay somewhere between $300 and $1,600 a day, depending on the size of the excavator.
Once your ground is prepared, you’ll be ready to pour the foundations for your park. In many cases, especially for larger ballparks, these foundation pieces will be cast off-site and will be brought in once the excavation is done. For a smaller field where you’re pouring foundations for a few bleachers and a concession stand, you can pour those on-site.
Most concrete foundations cost between $4 and $5 per square foot. If you’re having the foundation cast off-site and hauled in, you’ll have to pay extra for the transport and installation labor. Talk to your general contractor about how much you can expect to pay for your foundation.
Enclosure and Façade
With the foundation in place, your enclosure and the façade for your stadium can start to go up. In larger stadiums, this will include not only the stands and the outer walls, but also ticket gates, concession stands, merchandise stands, bathrooms, and more. In smaller fields, your enclosure may look more like a chain-link fence with several outbuildings.
This step in the process is also when you’ll put up things like stadium lights and other stadium fixtures. As with the other steps of this process, your cost will depend on the size of your stadium. A chain-link fence can cost as little as $40 a linear foot; for a major façade, you’re looking at millions of dollars.
Parking Lot and Infrastructure
Once your field structure is in place, you’ll be able to build out your parking lots and the rest of your infrastructure. Inside, this may mean running plumbing to bathrooms and concession areas, starting to put in electric wiring to merch and concession stands, and beginning finishing work. Outside, the scoreboard may go in, as well as seats, press box glass, inside fencing, and dugouts.
Your contractor will also start to pour your parking lot at this point. This will likely be one of the most expensive portions of any baseball stadium construction project. Even for smaller fields, you’re likely looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars for this portion.
Playing Field Installation
Only once all the rest of the ballpark is into the finishing stage will the playing field itself go in. You’ll need to have decided during discussions with your architect whether you want to grow real grass or install astroturf. Grass can be more expensive to maintain, but it can also be a good bit softer than turf.
Depending on which type of covering you chose, your lawn installation specialist will prepare the ground and lay down either grass seed or the turf. They’ll put in the red dirt for your diamond and build up your pitcher’s mound. And then, after years of planning and dreaming and work, you’ll have the pleasure of watching your builders slot your bases and your home plate into place.
Answer: “How Much Does It Cost to Build a Baseball Field?”
The answer to, “How much does it cost to build a baseball field?” depends a lot on how big your park is. In general, you’re looking at at least a couple of million dollars, and sometimes into the billions. Make sure you set your budget and your goals beforehand so you can make sure to have as successful a project as possible.
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