Best Resources and Apps to Learn Language for Every Business Owner

As a business owner, learning new languages can benefit you and your company. Whether you would like to expand into new markets or communicate with customers and colleagues abroad, several resources and apps are available to help you learn new languages quickly and effectively. This article provides an overview of the best resources and apps for language learning so that you can get the one that best suits your needs.


This easy-to-use app is just a tap away from the latest business news, market data, and important events. This real-time resource provides all of your needs in one place, so you won’t have to go anywhere else for quick updates on share prices or economic indicators. This app will be perfect for your needs if you’re an advanced intermediate level and above English language learner. There’s a lot of excellent material here to get stuck into.

The Economist

The flagship publication of one of the most influential media companies in America has a free app that you can install on your phone. It contains articles selected by their editor and will even let subscribers read them for no cost, so if this sounds appealing, go ahead. Articles are written on a range of topics relevant to any business person. The text is very high quality with excellent analysis, and you may also switch over the audio edition if needed for your needs as well.

The Wall Street Journal

With its WSJ app, you can now access the latest news and world-class commentary from anywhere on your phone. The print version of this newspaper is a must-read for any business enthusiast or casual reader alike; however, with so much content available in digital format, it has become easier than ever before to get caught up with all things happening around us.

The app has a simple, clean interface that makes navigating easy. The typeface and layout of the articles match those found in printed versions, so reading through this publication is just like looking at your favorite magazine or newspaper.


There’s no shortage when it comes to options in the world of online English learning. But what if you want something free but still has good quality? Well, look no further than Duolingo. This app offers 95 different courses in 38 languages with over 300 million registered users across Earth+. Not only does this provide an excellent opportunity for people who don’t speak English as their first tongue or those just starting on a journey towards becoming fluent. It will also help strengthen your confidence by getting accustomed to new vocabulary every day.


With over 100 million international native speakers, the language learning app is one of the best ways to learn a new one fast. It’s free and available in 12 different languages, including Spanish, English & more.


Mondly takes a unique approach to language learning by focusing on phrases rather than individual words. It gives you practical tools for having conversations quickly and helps reinforce proper pronunciation because it includes native speakers who can teach how things should sound and AI chatbots that can fill in any gaps when necessary.

Mondly has over 100 languages to teach you, so it will be even more helpful if English isn’t your first language. With the ability for users worldwide access and learning any other 33 supported by this app – who knows what new talents could come out?


Learning a new language can be daunting, but the investment in your business is worth it. Business partners will appreciate that you made an effort to understand their native tongue and spend more time on your project because of it when you’re able to speak with customers or vendors who don’t know English well. The apps we mentioned offer many different languages for translation, so there should be one perfect for what you need. Learning other languages is an invaluable skill every entrepreneur needs to have, whether you want to make work easier by communicating better with another office worldwide or getting ahead of any potential competition from overseas companies while expanding into international markets yourself!

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.