Adam Hansen

Author Archives: Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.

Attracting Potential Customers with Infofree

If you’re a professional salesman or small business owner doing your own sales work, you’ve got to perform even when the economy is sluggish, and that means finding new customers and keeping them happy. It all comes down to working sales leads, which are the catalyst for the whole cycle of attracting potential customers to […]

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Revamp Your SEO Strategy

SEO is a very dynamic field, especially at the moment.  It’s hard enough for the experts to keep track of the tweaks that the search engines make to their algorithms and a lot more confusing for the layperson trying to muddle through. Traditional SEO Cincinnati tricks that may have been reliable in the past are […]

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Growing Your Customer Base Online

Businesses need a lot of things to run properly, but there’s one thing that they need above all others: customers. Without a target audience for the services or products your business provides, you don’t have a business at all. And if you can’t reach that audience, then you might as well not have one. Here’s […]

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