A Step-By-Step Guide To Planning An Exhibition
If you have never planned an exhibition before, the process can be a little bit daunting. Don’t worry, though – we’ve got you covered. This guide will help simplify the planning process, allowing you to get the most out of the experience.
Tips For Planning An Exhibition
1. Identify What You Want To Accomplish
Even though it may seem like a silly question, one of the first things that you need to think about is exactly what you hope to accomplish at the exhibition and how you can go about it. Speak to the experts at Imagegroup for advice on making your next exhibition stand a success.
A lot of times, people go into the process without a plan. Since all of their competitors are exhibiting, they figure they should, too. If you don’t have clear objectives in mind, however, you most likely will just wind up wasting your time without getting anything concrete in return.
Sit down with a cup of coffee, a notebook and a pen. Spend some time writing down key information about the event. Answer the following questions:
– How frequently does the event occur?
– Have your competitors participated in the past? Are they likely to participate this time?
– How much do you have to pay to participate?
– What advertising methods are used to promote the show?
– How many people usually attend?
2. Identify The Specific Audience You Want To Reach
Now that you have a better grasp of the details surrounding the event, it is time to focus on the audience.
Start by identifying what type of people usually attend the event. Does the show cater to people in a single industry or does it appeal to a wider audience?
Are you targeting C-level executives, marketing departments, trade buyers, or individual shoppers?
This information should be easy to discover – especially since most trade shows put together informative packets that provide detailed information about the attendees.
Determine whether your products or services are a good fit for the audience. What are the people attending the show thinking about when deciding whether or not to make a purchase? The answer to this question will help you in the next part of the process.
3. Decide What Success Means to You
When it comes to determining whether or not the show was a success, it is extremely beneficial to have hard facts and figures.
Decide ahead of time what metrics you will use to judge the success of the show. For instance, you may base your success on how many leads you gathered, how many items you sold, how frequently your products or services were reviewed through social networks or the type of press coverage that you received. Ideally, you should choose metrics that can be easily measured and that are closely tied to your overall goals for the event.
Hopefully, this will make the exhibition planning process a lot easier.