A Comprehensive Guide to Responsible Beverage Server (RBS) Training

Responsible beverage service programs (RBS training) are essential to the hospitality industry. They act as a buffer against alcohol-related issues by training employees on how to identify and stop problematic behavior before it occurs. Responsible beverage service training is designed to reduce the negative consequences from serving alcohol, such as DUIs, underage drinking, and drunk driving. These programs help servers understand their role in keeping patrons safe.

What is Responsible Beverage Service Training?

Responsible beverage service training is any program that educates servers on identifying and stopping problematic drinking. The idea is to save servers from dealing with alcohol-related issues, and to save customers who may get into trouble. The main goals of RBS are to prevent overservice, underage drinking, and drunk driving. Essentially, these programs help servers understand their role in keeping their patrons safe. RBS is an essential part of the hospitality industry. It’s a buffer against alcohol-related issues by training employees on how to identify and stop problematic behavior before it occurs.

Responsible Beverage Service Training Requirements

In order to implement a responsible beverage service program, you’ll need to do the following: – Create a clear policy that outlines your expectations – You’ll need to outline what qualifies as overservice and underage drinking. You’ll also need to decide how to handle overservice. – Hire a trainer – You need someone to administer and lead the training. The trainer will also need enough knowledge of the industry to customize the program to fit your business. – Train employees – You’ll need to go over the expectations of the policy while educating employees on how to spot problematic behavior. – Test employees on what they’ve learned – You need to test employees to make sure they’ve retained the information from the program.

The Problem With Responsible Beverage Service Programs

RBS programs are an essential part of the hospitality industry. Nonetheless, they are often criticized for their tendency to misunderstand and over-discipline the customer. The customer is the one ordering a product or service; the server is the one providing the product or service. Unfortunately, many RBS programs fail to make that distinction. There are several issues with RBS programs. Some of the most common issues are listed below. – Disciplinary practices – The most common complaint is that servers are disciplined for disciplinary practices that aren’t consistent with the customer. In other words, the server is disciplined for a policy they didn’t break. It’s an incredibly frustrating situation. – Disciplinary practices – Another issue is that the policies are too strict. If the server has to follow the policy exactly, they may break a customer’s trust. – Lack of trust – There’s also a lack of trust between the server and customer. The server is hesitant to intervene when they should, and the customer doesn’t trust the server’s judgment. – Disconnect between server and bartender – Finally, there’s a disconnect between the server and bartender. The bartender is the one checking IDs, and the server isn’t privy to that information.

How to Fix the Problems with RBS Training

Many people think changing the RBS program itself is the best way to fix the problems with the program. However, that’s not the case. You’ll get better results by addressing the following issues. – Training – You need to have consistent and effective training. This will help the server understand when and how to intervene in a situation. It will also help them avoid disciplining the wrong people. – Accountability – When someone is disciplined for a policy they didn’t break, that’s a sign of a lacking accountability. You need to make sure employees are accountable for their actions. – Communication – A lack of communication is another reason servers aren’t following the policy. You need to make sure communication between the bartender and server is consistent.

New Approaches to Responsible Beverage Service Training

There are many new approaches to responsible beverage service training. Some of these are listed below. – Training – You need to make sure the training ties into your company’s culture and values. It needs to be consistent and regular. It should also include management. – Accountability – If a server isn’t meeting expectations, you need to let them know. You also need to let them know what they need to change. If a server knows what they need to do to improve, they’ll become a better employee. – Communication – You can improve communication by educating the server on when they need to step in. You also need to educate the customer on what the server is looking for when they’re checking an ID.


The best way to fix the problems with responsible beverage service programs is by addressing the issues of training, accountability, and communication. A comprehensive guide to RBS training will help you address these issues. It will also walk you through the process of creating a responsible beverage service program that works for your business.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.