7 Blog Post Title Generators for Creating Clickable Headlines
In blogging and writing in general, you may have heard this statement repeatedly: “Headlines are an essential component of your content”.
As content marketing continues to remain one of the most popular techniques that businesses large and small are using to build their online presence and get more brand visibility, the need for creating “attention grabbing” posts is essential.
In fact, the MOZ blog posted an article with some insight on the headlines that make readers click. Some of the stats mentioned in this post include:
- Website traffic can vary and increase as much as 500% based on the headline alone
- To compete for your readers attention, your headline needs to be on point
- If your headline is not up to snuff, 80% of readers never get past it
Interesting stats… right? As a blogger, I know all too well that these statistics rang true. That is why before I start creating the content for my blog post I try to spend a considerable amount of time working on my headline.
Blog Post Title Generators
Luckily, the internet is full of an abundance of great tools that you can use to accomplish certain tasks. For creating clickable titles and headlines, there are some great blog post title generators available.
So what do these generators do? They simply automatically generate ideas for you to write about—based on your topic of choice. Isn’t that awesome?
I was fortunate to discover some these tools on last year and believe you me, they have been extremely handy.
If you are suffering from writers block need some ideas for your next blog post, you are in luck. Here is a list of 7 free blog post title generators that you can use to create some great headlines your content in a matter of minutes:
- Tweak Your Biz Title Generator – Anita Campbell & Liam Delahunty
- Hubspots Blog Topic Generator – Hubspot
- The Blog Post Ideas Generator – Buildyourownblog.net
- Portent’s Content Idea Generator – Portent.com
- Blog Title Idea Generator – Inboundnow.com
- Blog Idea Generator (GPT-3) – Usetopic.com
- Impactbnd Blog Title Generator – Impactbnd.com
Additional Resources for creating “Clickable” Titles
- 100 Blog Post Title Templates that Grabs Attention – Pauline Cabrera
- 10 Sure-Fire Blog Post Title Templates That Work – Tofurious.com
- How to Write Magnetic Headlines – Copyblogger.com
- 14 Blog Post Title Templates To Use as Templates – Onlineincometeacher.com
- Ultimate List of Blog Heading Templates & Titles for Blogging – Justcreative.com