4 things to consider before you choose your next live chat app

Live chat has recently become an important part of excellent customer support. Customer service in the form of live chat applications can bring many benefits to your daily activities. But how do you choose your next live chat app with so many options to choose from?

There are many live chat apps available in the market. With so many features, integrations, and different use cases, choosing the right one can be quite a challenge.

Let’s look at some important criteria you should include on your list when trying to choose the best live chat application for your company.

Pricing plans

A typical live chat app costs between 10 and 50 dollars per month. Plus, there are apps that offer free basic options so you can get started without paying anything at all. Price is one of the first factors that people take into account when buying something. So, devote some time to compare the pricing options and features that different live chat apps offer you.

Also, it’s always worth checking what’s behind the price tag. While some solutions may offer “free” packages, it can quickly turn out that your business is paying a hefty price for it elsewhere.


After checking if the app fits your budget, it’s time to check out the features. See what set of common functions the app provides and how much you have to pay for them. The basics include:

  • file sharing;
  • command statistics and routing;
  • conversation history;
  • agents;
  • data privacy and security.

All this can increase the satisfaction of both employees and customers.

All messages in one place

People who want to contact you can do so in a variety of ways, such as through messaging channels such as Facebook messages, emails, and chat. Lots of channels for you, right?

Multi-channel communication is a great helper because it allows you to redirect all messages from clients to one place. Thanks to this, there is no need to switch between communication channels because you have everything in one convenient place, and you can respond to your customers at the speed of light.

In-depth analytics

A very useful and beneficial feature worth checking out is statistics and data delivery. Thanks to the correct data you can assess your customer support procedures, which will help you provide better customer care.

For example, you might want to know the average wait time for your chats. Having this kind of information makes it easier to set goals for you and your employees to make progress. This feature also helps you evaluate the performance of your agents.

Analytics shows what strengths and weaknesses your company has. They allow you to quickly figure out where your focus should be in development in the future. Without having analytics in place, you would be running the app blind.

Now you know what to look out for

Live chat is definitely essential for your business. To choose one option from the many available on the market, make sure it meets your and your customers’ expectations. We hope this checklist is helpful and helps you choose the right online chat app.


Dee is a well-respected business journalist with a deep understanding of global financial markets and a talent for uncovering the stories behind the numbers. With over 20 years of experience covering the business beat, Dee is known for his in-depth reporting and analysis of industry trends, as well as his ability to make complex financial concepts understandable to a wide audience.