4 Simple Steps To Learning Python for Data Science

It doesn’t matter if you’re a computer programmer or a business leader, you’re going to need to handle code at some point. It’s a fundamental part of the business world now, and everyone should be prepared to be confronted with it. The sheer amount of data that powers modern corporations require specialized software to handle it.

That’s how Python managed to slither into almost every industry in the world. Modern markets simply handle too much data to be processed by people. And that just means that if you want to lead in any field, you need to be comfortable handling code.

Luckily, Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn; if you don’t have apps to learn coding already. And since it’s used everywhere, knowing it can take your career to new heights. Data is a science, studying how to use it will make you an invaluable asset for anyone.

Keep reading below to learn how to develop your Python skills and become a modern market leader!

1. Learn Programming Fundamentals

Before you do anything, you need to be comfortable with the fundamentals of programming. Every language shares some characteristics of how it handles information. Information is stored in variables and is manipulated through basic logic operations.

You can familiarize yourself with basic programming lessons online, through a variety of websites. Get familiar with them, and you’ll be ready to move onto the next step.

2. Let Python Textbooks Slither Onto Your Shelf

After you learn the basics, it’s time to move onto the fun stuff. Python is a dynamic and simple language anyone can pick up, and it will enable you to create some of the most vital tools all industries use. Even if you just learn python for data science, you’ll be able to use it for a lot more!

Just ensure your information is new and relevant. The programming world is always changing, and it’s important that the things you teach yourself are relevant to how programmers are creating software now.

3. Then Turn Your Shelves Into a Library

To familiarize yourself with Python, you need to familiarize yourself with its libraries. These are basically add-ons to the language that makes it easier to use for specific situations. Libraries contain premade functions that you can use to make your code sleeker, and more efficient.

You should especially learn NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, and Seaborn libraries. Not only are these standard libraries all programmers should know, but they’ll also let you represent and manipulate data with more freedom.

4. Express Yourself, Regularly

The data you use isn’t always perfect. Sometimes, things get corrupted or data may simply be missing. To correct errors like that, you should spend some time learning Python’s regular expressions.

Regular expressions identify and detect issues in any dataset, and allows you to set how Python should handle them. Knowing regular expressions well is essential for keeping your code going for as long as possible.

Python Is Slithering Into All Industries

No matter where you work or what you do, python is powering it somehow. The retail industry depends on python to manage its extensive customer and store data. Data Science Teams in many research fields depend on python to investigate extremely sensitive and important data.

Learning python may seem like trying to learn how to speak to snakes, but it’s nowhere near as hard. It’s a simple language that you can use wherever you go, in any industry.

And to learn how python can benefit you specifically, just keep reading here. Our blog is always updated on the latest news affecting small businesses, so you can stay ahead of technology’s changes!

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.