How to Get Your Supply Chain Back on Track in 2022

It’s no secret that the supply chain went off the rails at the start of the pandemic. Every industry has been affected in some way or another, whether that be through product delays, a shortage of labor, longer shipping times, or a combination of all three.

The pandemic has emphasized an issue in supply chains that many Chief Supply Chain Officers (CSCOs) have come to expect: volatility. End-users demand goods and services at increasingly high rates, meaning that businesses that rely heavily on the supply chain need to be prepared for anything. 

Supply chains can not afford to be slowed down by unforeseen circumstances and unpredictable events. Businesses that fail to adapt to this new reality could lose out. To get your supply chain back on track after the events of the past few years, your business needs to be prepared for anything and anticipate customer demands so that orders are fulfilled on time.

Below are 4 ways to get your supply chain back on track in 2022.


By now we know that automated processes are not anything new. But, the way businesses use automation can drastically improve the efficiencies of their supply chain. Automated processes reduce error rates while increasing speed and accuracy. Additionally, implementing digital technologies help streamline repetitive tasks on an assembly line, allowing employees to focus on more meaningful work.

In addition to cutting down on errors, automated processes are easily optimized because of data tracking. This allows supply chain managers to view and weed out inefficient processes that could be causing slower delivery times. Overall, automated processes improve transparency throughout the supply chain. Automations also work to keep supply chains agile, using responsive technology and real-time data to adapt quickly to changing demands, something that is becoming increasingly necessary as of late.


Sustainability is also proving to be an essential component of a well-functioning supply chain. With consumers prioritizing their environmental impact, the products they purchase need to reflect a similar sustainable mindset. Using more eco-friendly products and materials throughout the supply chain can help with these efforts. Sustainable packaging materials like compostable protective packaging and bio-based plastics are great alternatives to traditional plastics. 

Creating a circular supply chain that cycles back into itself also leads to increased sustainability. The circular supply chain encourages suppliers and manufacturers to reuse or recycle materials for multiple uses. Not only does a circular supply chain encourage sustainability, but it also helps businesses cut down on costs and manage their carbon footprint. 

Company Culture

Company culture may seem unrelated to an effective supply chain but the pandemic has proven otherwise. With the pandemic impacting the labor pool, it has become clear that cultivating a positive working environment and strengthening employee relationships leads to increased employee satisfaction.

Clearly, a cohesive team is needed to optimize the supply chain. Cohesion requires communication and a strong company culture improves those communication fields between employees and management. That means when a supply chain issue occurs, the issue is properly addressed and resolved quickly.

Looking Ahead

With no crystal ball to help forecast the future of the supply chain, all we can do is prepare and be ready to adapt. Using third-party logistics can help companies maintain their supply chains. Third-party logistics providers manage inventory and order fulfillment and returns quickly and cost-effectively.

Third-party logistics providers adapt to your unique business needs, offering customized inventory management and warehouse management systems. Relying on a 3PL helps businesses prepare their supply chains for evolving consumer trends before they happen and they help businesses focus on what really matters: their customers.

The supply chain continues to be unpredictable, yet businesses can prepare themselves for whatever comes their way. Incorporate automated processes, embrace sustainable measures, cultivate a positive company culture, and utilize a third-party logistics provider to better prepare your supply chain for the future.


Dee is a well-respected business journalist with a deep understanding of global financial markets and a talent for uncovering the stories behind the numbers. With over 20 years of experience covering the business beat, Dee is known for his in-depth reporting and analysis of industry trends, as well as his ability to make complex financial concepts understandable to a wide audience.