What To Do When USPS Loses Your Package

There is no doubt that there is a frustrating lack of mail or package. Whether you are the receiver or sender, your time and money are lost anyway in many situations. USPS handles millions of pieces of mail daily so a letter or package would make sense to get lost Yet sadly, it’s even worse when it’s a vital mail or expensive package

So you’re still looking for the lost order or mail from your USPS, now what? Luckily, you may take a few steps to try and get your letter back. There is no guarantee, however, that you will ultimately get home your lost mail or package.

Why Would Mail Get Lost?

There are many reasons why you wouldn’t get mail or packages like the shipping label falling off, an incorrect address being smeared in case of bad weather, or the most common reason of all. You can click here to know more about the USPS services.

For mail delivery, only one inaccurate digit in the zip code can make all the difference. Or in another case, you’re going and not filing for an address change to return your mail to your old address. While mailing out letters, you need to be sure to get the correct address, write it simply and in a permanent marker. Now that we have an idea of why this could have happened let’s see how we can fix it.

Step 1: Check your Mail or Package Status

If your mail has a tracking option (if you are the recipient, the sender can provide you with the tracking number), go to USPS Tracking and check your mail’s current status. It may only be delayed stuck in transit and not completely lost. Most online orders are accompanied by tracking numbers, so you can use this tool if you are waiting for a package from USPS. These also provide tracking services if you are using other mail carriers such as UPS and FedEx. Next, find out with your mail the latest update.

Step 2: Ask your Neighbors

The status may have been “delivered,” and you’ve never had anything. In this situation, you need to start asking your neighbors if they have got any mail or deliveries for you, the apt may have been confused Or the number of the construct. You can tell the mailman about it as well; this might even be the first obvious thing to do. Sometimes if you’re not around or expect a valuable package anyway, the mailman can leave a missed note of delivery.

Another response to a given status is the theft of mail. It’s a common issue for U.S. mail, which gets worse during the holidays. So, if you think that’s the case, it’s better to report it to the local post office and the police immediately.

Step 3: Collect Mail Info

Now that you have checked that your mail is missing before you contact USPS, you need to gather all possible information on your mail

You need to make sure that:

  • The correct address was used
  • The sender’s and recipient’s address
  • The monetary value of it
  • The tracking number if available
  • The receipt if it’s an online purchase
  • The description of the kit such as the size of the box, material, brand product images, and anything else you can collect

Step Four: Submit a Mail Search Request

Go to the local post office and submit an application online at the USPS Missing Mail Check, it is advised that you send it if you have not got your mail within seven business days. Once they receive your application and continue their check, USPS will give you an email confirmation.

How does the USPS Missing Mail Search Work?

USPS continues its search at the Mail Recovery Center in Atlanta, Georgia, also known as the lost & found mail. This is where all the “incorrect email” and “return to sender” mail is winding up. However, most of the time, it is discarded without processing if mail or packages are left unclaimed and have a monetary value of less than $25.

USPS holds the mail according to the service and value of its delivery. Priority mail, certified or regular mail, for example, will be kept for up to 3 months. Although covered parcels or express mail may be beneficial for up to 6 months, sometimes even longer. The popular bundles will be put up in auctions at the end of this period.

You can file a claim if your package is insured or registered mail. Claims may be made for domestic and international shipping, but no more than 60 days from the date of mailing should be delayed. In this case, you will be reimbursed if the package is not found. In the event of your missing USPS package or letter, it is also recommended that the sender and recipient submit a fax search. This way, higher priority would be given to finding your mail.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.