The Importance Of Yoga For Busy Professionals
Our careers and attention to work is taking up so much of our time, that for some of us, we are losing sight of what it means to be human. The truth is that even though it is important to be highly productive, it is also essential that you remain connected to your essence as a human so that you can create a sense of happiness and well-being that will support you as you grow older. This is why it is critical that busy professionals practice the art of yoga.
For millennia, yoga and meditation has proven to be a tool for developing the body and controlling the mind in order to achieve transformation. At its core, yoga is a process allowing you to confront your limits in order to better transcend them. It is a psychophysical process which provides knowledge of the Self and which adapts wonderfully to the needs of today’s hectic life.
“Yoga transforms us by clearing the barriers of the body and mind that prevent us from reaching the full potential that resides in us and therefore limit us in life” suggest Kirsty Davis from Yoga Training Guide. “Transformation is a process that brings renewal and interest. We are led to believe that a profound change can have repercussions until we lose contact with our loved ones and ourselves” says Davis.
In fact, the transformation that yoga brings about brings forth the true Self and allows us to love with greater depth. This process of sharpening and refinement recalls that of the sculptor who patiently carves the stone to give it shape and beauty.
The practice of yoga has many tangible benefits. In fact, it is a powerful therapeutic tool to help solve certain physical and psychological problems, a way to reverse the aging process and release sexual energy, to acquire strength and flexibility for other physical activities, to improve appearance, posture, skin, tone and vitality. All this can provide a feeling of grace and general well-being.
At a deeper level, yoga unleashes the energy that we often see as a mysterious force that some have and others don’t have and over which we have no control. The practice of yoga, however, allows us to change the quality and create more by increasing our bodily capacity to transform energy and heal ourselves.
We all sometimes feel a fluctuation in the energy currents. Sometimes, even if we are overflowing with energy, we feel dispersed or agitated and we scatter in several directions at the same time. However, at times, we are still brimming with energy while staying focused and calm. Yoga teaches us to generate these currents and to pay special attention to different parts of our body.
Practice also allows us to overcome physical and psychological blockages, increase our energy and generate new interests in our life. Besides, our quality of life always depends on our interest in it. Yoga is much more than a question of flexibility; Being able to perform difficult postures does not necessarily mean that we understand the meaning of our practice.
Basically, the practice is not based on results but on how we approach it by realizing our limits, whatever they may be. The important thing is not so much to go far in a posture but to find the way to approach the yogic process, which is directly linked to the perception that our mind makes of it.
As the world economy continues to become more globally connected, it has become quite evident that there is no end in sight to how busy we are all going to be. With so many countries at war with each other over who is the financial leader, there is more competition now than there has ever been. This is why it is vital that if you are a busy professional, that you begin practicing yoga. Not only can it help you calm your mind, but it can also ensure that your body remains agile and strong.