Take These 6 Steps If Involved in an Accident with a Truck or Commercial Vehicle
The reason why most truck accident cases settle is because of the severity of the aftermath. However, a truck accident involves more than a normal car accident case entails. It may be complicated if it involves more than one liable party, meaning you will need a lot of evidence to prove yourself. Nonetheless, you must know the right steps to take in an accident involving a truck or commercial vehicle.
Check out this site: http://accidentreports.com/ to report an accident you may encounter.
Seek Medical Care
The first and one of the most vital things to do in case of an accident is to seek medical care. Therefore, after you have moved to a safe distance, call 911 for help. Medical attention immediately after the accident is vital, even without physical injuries or pain. Remember, you will need a doctor’s report to calculate your medical expenses and the extent of your injuries. Therefore, put your health first.
Document the Accident
In most cases, truck and commercial vehicle drivers are hired by large companies with money. Therefore, you will fight against a rich company that can easily pull resources. Collecting details of the accident is vital before it is tampered with. Some of the things you should do include taking photos of the scene, including a picture of the damaged parts, license plates, and logos. Also, record the location of the accident by making the highway.
Additionally, take photos of the injuries before the treatment. Write all the details you recall about the accident. If your injuries cannot allow you to do all this, you can ask someone else to help you.
Make a Police Report
Accidents involving vehicles like semi-trucks, buses, and other out-of-service trucks are always fatal due to the size of the vehicle. There is a high chance you may suffer serious injuries. Therefore, you need to report the incident to the police. Make a statement and don’t accept fault even when you know you are liable for the accident. A police report is vital when seeking compensation from the insurance company for the party at fault. Therefore, immediately after the accident, call the police to investigate the scene. Make sure you give every detail you remember before and after the accident.
Call a Truck Accident Lawyer
Given the complexity of a truck accident and the difficulty of providing proof, it is crucial to have someone who can make the job easier. Remember, the other party might have a strong backup whose aim is to ensure they pay less or don’t pay at all. So, ensure you get a lawyer. You can search for a truck accident attorney near me and get an expert to help you investigate the accident’s details and gather evidence. The lawyer will also identify who is liable and file a claim against their insurance company. The lawyer will also negotiate with insurance companies for fair compensation. There are numerous benefits to hiring a truck accident lawyer as your legal representative.
Exchange Details with the Other Driver
Before you leave the scene, you should exchange details with the other driver. Take their full name, contact information, insurance company, company that has employed them, and license plate number of the truck involved in the accident. These details will be vital, especially if the accident involves more than two vehicles. Furthermore, you want to be accurate about who was involved in the accident and the vehicle they were driving. The information you exchange will make filing a claim and pursuing compensation easier.
Gather Witnesses
The witnesses you get from the accident will play an integral role in proving your claim. Therefore, if someone else witnesses the accident between you and the truck, you can ask them for their names and contact details. Witnesses may not last long at the scene. Therefore, ensure you get them soon and ask them to describe how the accident happened. It is the best backup you can have to prove your claim. Taking witness contact information is vital so the lawyer can follow up and contact them later. The great thing about witnesses is that they may be unbiased and provide helpful information on the accident.
Get Help from an Experience Truck Accident Lawyer
These are vital things you must do immediately after the accident. Ensure you document the scene and record a statement with the police. Gather witnesses and share information with the other driver. Most importantly, ensure you hire an experienced truck accident attorney to help you with the process and get a fair settlement. The professional will do most of the work and negotiate with the insurance company as you focus on improving.