Questions To Ask When Buying Used and Refurbished Office Furniture

When you’re trying to build an office, expenses can pile up. Even if you stick only to the basic furniture, costs can still rise. If you’re on a budget, you need to be resourceful when it comes to your office supplies and equipment. The good news is that not everything has to be brand-new. Especially when you know where and how to look, there are many supplies that are used and refurbished, which you can get for a fraction of the price of a brand-new one.

The trick is in examining the furniture well, and asking the right questions as part of your examination process. Here are some of the questions you can bring up:

1. How Was This Piece Of Furniture Previously Stored?

Most refurbished office furniture are adequately displayed in stores, but this doesn’t mean that they’re free of any infestations. Ask about the history of the office furniture, especially those that have soft cushions on them. This gives you an overall idea of the real condition of the furniture piece. You might not be entirely aware of it, but some molds and bugs may have accumulated on the furniture. While you’re trying to save on the cost, it also isn’t worth it if you’re going to be breeding dirt and germs in your new office. Make it a point, therefore, to ask about this matter. Thoroughly scrutinize the piece as well.

2. What Is Your Last Price For This Piece?

The great thing about buying from secondhand and used shops is that you can haggle the price. If the price on the tag still seems a little bit too much for you to afford, try and bargain for a discount. Don’t hesitate to ask the seller for the last price they can give you. Chances are, they’ll be more than willing to lower down the price just to make a sale. Most especially when you’re buying numerous pieces, you have a higher chance of also getting a better deal for your purchase.

3. How Long Can You Hold The Piece For Free?

Most secondhand shops are willing to hold onto a piece of furniture for a couple of days, but be sure to give them a definite time frame of when you can pick the item up. This rule applies whether you’re buying new or used furniture pieces. You might lose a good purchase simply because you’ve failed to agree on the right time frame when you can come back for your furniture. If you’re lucky, the shop might even have a delivery service. Just be sure that you’re aware of the cost. Otherwise, consider how you will have the item delivered to your office. You may have to make special arrangements depending on the size of the office furniture you bought, and how much it can withstand being transported from one place to another.

4. Do You Have Customization Options Available?

Because you’re buying old furniture, you might want to have it customized. You might want to have some of its outdated features altered, or tweak the design a little bit to match the overall look of your office. Office furniture doesn’t have to look old and boring. Just because you’re buying secondhand furniture doesn’t mean you can’t get one that’s stylish and functional. Make it a point, therefore, to ask the shop if they offer customization services. This can give you more ideas as to designs that you might want to accomplish for your office furniture. Having your secondhand furniture customized may also increase its durability and longevity.

5. Why Are You Selling This Piece Of Furniture?

Because you’re buying secondhand, it’s only reasonable for you to also ask why these pieces of office furniture are up for sale in the first place. If you’re lucky, the previous owner may just be remodeling their office as well, or that they simply wanted new furniture after so many years. Unfortunately, other reasons might also involve possible issues with the piece of furniture. Asking this question will, therefore, let you gauge how far you can tolerate possible issues in the office furniture you’re looking to buy.

Just because you’re buying used furniture doesn’t mean that you have to compromise on its quality and appearance. There are numerous used furniture pieces that can still turn out to be in excellent condition. The trick is in selecting the best possible options and knowing when to buy them. With this list of questions to guide you, you’re now one step closer towards choosing the best office furniture for a lesser cost than a brand-new one.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.