Tips on How to Overcome English Language Barriers

People’s ability to fully understand one another is hindered when there are obstacles in the way of communication. When multiple parties are in touch, the recipient may not necessarily comprehend the message in the same manner the writer wants.

As a result, the communicator needs to gather feedback to determine whether or not the recipient understood the information appropriately.

The following are some of the things that can be done to help overcome language problems in the workplace:

1. Speak in simple terms:

Everyone should make it a habit to communicate in as simple of a language as possible whenever possible, whether they are working with someone whose native language is different from their own or attempting to explain a technical problem to coworkers who are not technically understanding. As said, using simple terms you can also start with using positive words that start with S can help you too.

Even though many people use complicated vocabulary to make themselves seem more competent in their jobs.

The use of mysterious terminology increases the likelihood of misunderstanding what is being communicated and makes the listener feel embarrassed that they are unable to follow what is being said. Research for the best grammar checker tools online as well that can help when you are communicating over text or over the internet to avoid further confusion.

2. Use visuals to convey your message:

When words fail us, showing can be a lot more powerful than telling, and this is especially true when words fail us badly. To clearly illustrate challenging ideas, you can use either pictures or diagrams.

When it comes to getting everyone on one page and thinking more imaginatively about new ideas, visual cues are a helpful tool that helps you and the next person understand better. If you’re helping a child with literacy development and English learning, picture games, and children’s books are all great ways to help children learn the English language.

3. Educate yourself through your past errors:

It is simple to have an adverse reaction to constructive criticism when you are already feeling frustrated and when your ego is in a vulnerable state. The next time you speak with someone in English, politely request that they correct you or repeat a sentence that you may have spoken wrong so that it might be corrected.

It is possible that at first, it will seem unusual, but over time you will become used to it, and you will learn a lot from the mistakes that you make.

Remember that the mistakes you make are not what defines you; instead, they are a necessary part of the process that leads to growth.

4. Try to think in English:

Is this the first time you’ve attempted to translate your thoughts into English? Possibly you still think in your native language when speaking English, translating sentence by sentence.

You can give this a go. Whenever you think in your native tongue, switch to English and see if it makes a difference. Even though no one can hear your thoughts, you may still practice by having imaginary talks with yourself or explaining the things that are going on around you to yourself. This will prevent you from feeling ashamed.

5. Ask others to slow down:

Conversing with someone fluent in English and another language might be challenging to keep up with their rapid speech. Developing your speaking abilities can be frustrating. Sorry, English isn’t my first language. “Would it be possible for you to slow down?”

As a non-native English speaker, this will let them know that you’re not fluent in the language, which will help you communicate better.

6. Do something that bothers you:

Make it a priority to interact with native speakers of languages other than your own whenever you get the chance. You won’t be able to avoid practicing outside the classroom if you do it this way.

Meetups, language exchanges, and finding people to talk to online are great options if you don’t have any English speakers in your neighborhood. It won’t be simple at first; when you make a mistake, you can feel self-conscious and worry about what other people think of you.

However, remember that learning a language is a process and that you are making progress daily. Simply put, you need to force yourself out of your comfort zone to experience growth — and use a language learning method that makes fun to learn.


As the most widely used global language, the importance of mastering English can never be underrated, especially if you are doing international business.

Don’t let the fact that there may be language hurdles that prevent you from taking advantage of everything a diverse workplace has to offer.

Co-working with people from different cultures and backgrounds encourages innovation, creativity, and success, but communicating with one another can be difficult due to language problems, and you can easily overcome the barrier.

Jared Freen

Jared is a dynamic and driven journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth and sharing untold stories. With over a decade of experience reporting from the front lines of some of the world's most volatile regions, Jared has a reputation for fearlessly pursuing the facts, no matter how challenging or dangerous the situation.