New York influencer organizes social media conference

On April 23, at 4pm — New York will host the “Show Yourself” conference dedicated to how not to be afraid to show up, start developing your social networks and got a profit from it.

This conference is for business owners that involve working with clients and providing services, entrepreneurs, bloggers, and anyone who wants to gain an audience on social networks by creating content. 

The conference will provide tools on how to find and attract customers for your business from Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, how to build a personal brand and recognition, how to gain a loyal audience, millions of views, collaborate with brands, and how not be afraid to show yourself. 

Conference will be organized and hosted by an influencer from New York — Valeriia Timoshova, with a total audience of more than 1,5 million people on Instagram and Tiktok, who successfully monetizes all her accounts, a dance teacher and mentor for women, a creator of online and offline dance courses with hundreds of satisfied clients. Valeriia and other speakers — successful entrepreneurs and bloggers with a huge audience — will share their experience in the development of social networks, and tell how to gain an audience anywhere. 
Also there will be discussed such important topics as fear of public opinion, self-doubt, fear of selling, blocks in the mind that do not allow you to show up.
And working tools to cope with it and finally declare yourself to the world. 

More detailed information about the program, speakers, place of the event — is on the website:

Contact information: 
Valeriia Timoshova 
ig: valeriatims

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.