Is Everything Fine With Online Tutoring
We often come across terms like find a tutor app and also online tutoring and so on. However, there are some glaring problems which tutors come across when it comes to online tutoring and other such things. Hence, it would be interesting to learn more about it, but before that, we would do well to learn something more about online tutoring and how apps are becoming so very popular.
Some Things We Should Know About Online Tutoring
There is no denying the fact that online tutoring is growing at a rapid pace and money is being poured into it quite generously. Many tutors across the globe are getting into online tutoring, and more importantly, more numbers of students are using online tutoring because of some obvious advantages. The kind of flexibility it offers and the specialized tutors that students can get are perhaps the biggest reason for the growth of this industry. Additionally, it would also be pertinent to mention that tutors also find this a reliable and good source of secondary income. For many, this is also the main source of income. Hence, there is no denying the fact that it is a win-win situation both for the tutors and the students.
Further, the growth of many tutoring apps like uber is also one more reason as to why it makes sense to go in for online tutoring. Today there are many software solutions which are developed into apps and the same can be used to teach tough and demanding subjects like math, physics, chemistry and also some languages like English. Hence there is no doubt that online tutoring is something that is here to stay, but this does not mean that all the problems surrounding it are solved. It is today a 140 million dollar market and is growing at a CAGR of around 6%.
It would also be pertinent to mention here that the new generations are already into digital technology. Hence they are keen on making use of this technology and would like to do better in their core subjects in general and subjects like math in particular. Hence, there is no denying the fact there is a big demand and scope for the development of online tutoring whether it is through apps or tutors. However, there are some roadblocks for the smooth growth of this line of business, and it would be interesting to know something more about them.
Online Tutors Are Still Hesitant
While around 65% of tutors are already into online tutoring or even into teaching how to use tutoring apps, another 25% have never had any experience in this line. Another 10% are still making up their mind whether it makes sense to get into online tutoring. Hence the need of the hour is to make more tutors feel at home with this profession and make them feel that there are money and a future in it.
Problems Students Are Encountering
On the other end of the spectrum, it would be pertinent to mention that many students are also facing problems as far as these forms of tuitions are concerned. They are not still comfortable with many foreign tutors, and the language often becomes a big problem. Hence many of them are more comfortable using voice tutor app or other tutor apps to learn tough subjects like math and a few others. Hence at the end of the day, there are reasons to believe that the future lies in these apps which are easily downloadable and usable. They are light, and they come with many inbuilt features which make learning easy. They have well-structured teaching processes, and each assignment or chapter is supported by tasks which test the learning of the students. The apps also have the capability of rewarding the students who do their tasks well, and this kindles interest in them quite a bit.
Hence at the end of it all, there are reasons to believe that there are some problems associated with online tutoring. Therefore it is quite likely that apps will take over the job of online tutors, but it will not happen suddenly. It will take its own time, and one has to be patient with it.