How To Write a Meet The Team Page: A Step-By-Step Guide

Having a meet the team page on your company’s website is a great way to humanize your brand by adding some faces people can associate with to your company. 

By having a picture of some or all team members as well their roles on your website, you will have created a more personalized and transparent web page for your company. 

This company’s team page is a good example. 

Read on to learn about how to write the perfect meet the team page for your company website. We’ll have some additional examples like the one we just linked, as well as a step-by-step guide on how to create your very own meet the team page.

More Meet The Team Examples

Before going over a step-by-step guide on how to create your own meet the team page, it’s important to go over different variations of meet the team pages. Our step-by-step guide is just going to be one method of making a page for this, so you may want to alter it in some ways.

Yokel Local

Yokel Local has a very good meet the team page. This Hubspot agency partner found a way to both combine information and profile pictures of senior team members as well as a more casual and personalized photo collage of various events involving the company.

They have also combined their meet the team page into their about page, something that you don’t need to do but it also does work just fine if you choose to do so. Check out Yokel Local’s meet the team for details.

Cloud Horizon

This software development company based out of Montreal has a really unique way of doing their meet the team page.

At first glance, the page looks quite bland as there are just a bunch of headshots in black and white with a job title under it – which gets the job done, but is nothing special. 

However, upon moving your mouse over the heads, you will see the image flip to a childhood picture of the person with a caption saying what they wanted to be when they grew up.

We think it’s clever, but it does also send a message that all these people ended up with boring office jobs instead of being something cool like a F1 driver or cowboy. 

How To Make Your Own Meet The Team Page

A good place to start when creating a meet the team page is to introduce your team members by having clear pictures of them. We recommend including one or two aspects of personalization to each team member. A good way to accomplish this would be to include their job title and a hobby or interesting fact about the person. This will make it so your website viewers will have an easier time remembering and connecting the brand to the people.

Next, you’ll want to go over what your team is like. You can include any shared values, important events that have taken place within your company, or other bits of information that involve the people who run your company.

Finally, it’s important to have contact information attached to the team members. One way to do this is to include their LinkedIn profiles and work email with their pictures. 

There are a lot of good examples of team pages online you can use as inspiration. Of course, yours will be unique and reflect your people and brand. Good luck!

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.