How Can You Use SEO To Benefit PR?
Over the years, search engine optimisation (SEO) has quickly evolved to become one of the most valuable tools PR can utilise to drive traffic to a website.
Not only does SEO increase traffic numbers, but it also improves it. By increasing the quality of visitors and heightens visibility to a target audience.
It’s easy to kick-start your SEO journey and even a complete beginner can take just a few simple steps to improve your website’s search engine visibility. Be aware, SEO doesn’t happen overnight, it is a long-term investment.
By following the Healthcare Communication Agency, Spink, and their 6 ways to benefit your PR through SEO, teamed with your own commitment you can boost your conversion rate optimisation and enhance your business.
Top Tier Backlinks
One of the most effective methods when using SEO is backlinks. This is when a website places a link to your website on a page when this is clicked, a user is automatically taken to a chosen page on your domain.
By placing a link on their page, this domain is giving your brand a vote of confidence that is picked up by a search engine and provides SEO weight. This will help you rank better for a handful of keywords.
Be warned, these backlinks should come from high-quality domains. Low-quality websites are no longer effective and could even negatively impact your ranking. By using a PR agency, you can take advantage of their knowledge and relationship with these domains to ensure the quality of your backlinks are sufficient.
Not only do these backlinks need to be placed, but they should also be placed within high-quality content that is well written and relevant to the target audience.
Brand Association
Brand association is crucial for any business, but it is particularly important in SEO. If you have been able to place your brand in highly-visible media outlets with high-authority then search engine users will begin to associate your brand with a product or service that you provide that is in demand.
Their search habits will then begin to change. A good example of this is instead of searching ‘migraine relief’ they will instead type ‘Nurofen migraine relief’. As this association grows among users, search engines will also begin to associate you with this product, helping to increase your rankings.
As this grows, when users search for a product or service you provide but do not include your brand name, you are more likely to rank higher in search results. Therefore, those who were not aware of your brand before are more likely to purchase with yourself.
Third-Party SEO
It isn’t always possible to rank for every keyword your brand is associated with, especially when a particular keyword is highly competitive.
Instead, use PR to place posts within industry-specific domains that focus on what your brand provides. These websites should be high-authority as they are more likely to rank for these competitive keywords.
Users will become aware of your brand through this website and their searches and will, therefore, drive more traffic to your website.
Emerging Keywords
When you create a new product or service, you often will generate new terminology around it and you should use PR to spread awareness of these new words of phases.
By placing this within the media, readers will associate your brand with this new term. Then, when users search this, you will appear at the top of search engines as no other brand will be trying to rank for this newly created keyword.
Previous PR Reclamation
This is a quick and easy way to gain backlinks and using minimum effort. Search for outlets that have featured your brand in the past. Using online tools such as Ahrefs can make it easy to track these mentions.
Simply contact these websites and ask for them to insert a backlink into their article to provide accreditation to your brand. You can do this in any means you want, email, phone calls and even social media. Most journalists have Twitter and are usually very active on it.
Unfortunately, these sites have no obligation to insert backlinks to their pages, but there is no harm in asking. A specific journalist may not have the authority to place these either.
But even if a backlink isn’t placed at this time, it is still not time lost. Creating relationships with these journalists is incredibly valuable and it means next time you have a campaign suitable to their readership, they are more likely to listen to your pitch than someone they have not spoken to before.
SEO Social Proof
SEO social proof is providing credibility to your brand on your site.
This could be done in many different ways. Firstly, if you have been placed in a high-authority media outlet, you should brag about it. Place their logos on your website under ‘as featured in’ title.
When visitors see this on your homepage, they will perceive you as having higher authority and are more likely to engage with your content for longer.
Dwell time should also be considered in regards to SEO, this is how long someone browses your content before returning to their search results. The longer a user spends on your site, the higher the positive signal search engines receive.
By featuring high-quality content on your site, users are more likely to stay engaged with this. It’s important to cater to different audiences, some may be looking for an in-depth read, while others may be looking for a quick overview of the subject.By combining these 6 top tips, you will soon be able to grasp the basic elements of SEO. Your hard work should start paying off and you will see yourself climb higher within search results. You can see more information by visiting: