How Can Plumbers Benefit from Local SEO?

Virtually all businesses need websites in the digital age. A plumbing business is no different.

However, having a web presence doesn’t guarantee your site will attract visitors or help you find new customers. To make the most of your online presence, strongly consider investing in local SEO for plumbers.

What is Local SEO?

Search engine optimization (SEO) involves improving various aspects of a site and page to direct more traffic to it. When an SEO strategy is effective, a site’s pages should rank higher in relevant Google searches. Finding this content is easier for users as a result.

Local SEO simply involves focusing on attracting traffic from users in the geographical area of a business. Ways in which a plumber can benefit from local SEO include:

Optimizing Your Budget

If your business offers products and services to customers throughout the globe, you may be perfectly happy to learn that your web traffic consists of users from various countries and regions.

However, most plumbing companies are local businesses. Even if a plumber’s website gets many visitors, they may have wasted some of their marketing budget if a large portion of those visitors live too far away to be customers.

That’s less likely to happen if you prioritize local SEO. By focusing on attracting the attention of local users, you can make smart use of your marketing budget.

Be aware, according to Search Engine Land, a survey reveals that organic search delivers a strong return-on-investment for local businesses. As such, a strategy that focuses on ensuring your content shows up in Google search results is one that may pay off significantly.

Establishing a Local Identity

SEO is multi-faceted. It involves everything from using the right keywords on your pages to ensuring your site performs reliably on smartphones and other mobile devices.

One common element of many local SEO strategies is content marketing. By posting blogs and other such content on your site, you can speak to audiences in need of a plumber’s services.

That content can make references to traditions, places, and any other elements of your local identity. Including such references in strategic spots throughout your plumbing business’ website could help you make the right impression on your potential customers.

Finding New Customers

According to Think with Google, 76% of people who use their smartphones to search for local businesses visit those businesses that day. Using one’s phone to find local businesses is becoming increasingly common in the age of mobile devices.

Your local SEO strategy could improve your chances of appearing in search results when potential customers in your area use their phones to look for plumbers near them. Research indicates that when a user checks your website, there’s a good chance they will contact your business shortly to learn more about your services.

Local SEO is Vital and Complex

A plumbing business is often a local business by its very nature. Consider this when planning your SEO strategy.

True, local SEO can be complicated if you’re not an expert. Fortunately, professionals are available to offer local SEO services. Working with experts is always an option if you wish to maximize your ROI.

The main point to understand is that local SEO is key to leveraging your plumbing business’ web presence. These are just a few benefits of embracing this strategy.

Main Street ROI offers SEO, advertising, social media, and related services to clients across numerous industries.


Sarah Ross