
Category Archives for "Lifestyle"

What does it really take to succeed as an entrepreneur?

Mark Wahlberg published his daily schedule and it’s gone viral. Why? Because he leads a lifestyle that is largely different from most people. That’s a common theme when you study the lives of successful entrepreneurs and business leaders. To become truly great at something, whether it’s acting / modeling or computer programming, Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers […]

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TMS Health Solution and The New NIH Study

The National Institute of Health has recently released a landmark study concerning low-income neighborhoods, industrial sites and mental health. The study was quite innovative as it fused a sociological cross-section of mental health with data from an environmental inequalities study. The findings of the study are absolutely astonishing and they should direct our politicians in […]

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Substance Abuse And The Way To Deal With It

When you have to bear the sudden death of a closed one, feelings of intense sorrow and grief are normal. But there are instances where people may develop mental illnesses due to sudden shock. Some common symptoms are: Loss of appetite Decreased enthusiasm in life Unwillingness to join social gatherings Sudden fits of anger Bad […]

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Health, Wellness, and Workplace Safety

Workplace safety is a topic of growing concern in the United States. Workplace fatalities have been increasing nationally. In response, organizations are devoting a substantial share of time and attention to innovating workplace safety.  A major contemporary trend in workplace safety is an orientation toward total health and wellness. Even firms in the industrial, manufacturing, […]

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Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Divorce Lawyer

Divorce is an emotional process that can weigh down on even the strongest person around. Whether the divorcing parties decide to dissolve the union amicably or through a court process, the situation can be messy, especially when there are children involved. If kids are involved and you’re thinking of changing their name, you can consult […]

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How Court Reporting Works

In America’s court system, safeguards such as court reporting during lawsuits and trials are relied on to ensure individual rights to due process of law. The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution reads, “No person shall be…deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for […]

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5 Weird Things That Could Affect Your Insurance Rates

Your Marital Status Does being married make you safer on the road? Probably not, but many insurance companies charge higher premiums for single motorists in comparison to married drivers. Some insurance companies have done studies that have shown married drivers to be more responsible on the road. Check with your insurance company to find out […]

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