7 Essentials Your Website Needs to Generate Sales Leads
Anyone can make a website, but not everyone can generate leads or even sales for that matter. If you want to turn your small business website into a lead generation and sales machine, then you have to make sure that your website has these seven essentials for generating sales.
What Does Your Website Need to Generate Sales Leads?
1. Professional Web Design
Your website design does not have to be a masterpiece. However, it needs to be clean and professional for it to get your prospective customers’ attention and trust. It must also communicate what kind of business and products or services you have. You can get ready-made themes or get a professional web designer to make a unique one for your business. Here are some examples of Professional Small Business Website Designs that I have run across:
2. Offer an Irresistible “Guarantee”
Offering a Guarantee of your services provides what’s called “Risk Reversal” to your prospects. Some examples of Guarantees that you can add to your website include:
- 60-day No-Risk Money Back Guarantee
- Free Trial or Evaluation period of a product or service that you’re selling
- Full-refund if the customer is not happy with the product or service that you have provided
- Free Consultation
3. “Great” Sales Copy
Your copy is your primary weapon when it comes to marketing with your website, so you have to make it as thorough and persuasive as possible. Highlight the most common problems in your niche, and emphasize how you are able to solve those problems with your products and services. Talk about the benefits your prospective customers will get, and illustrate the difference between your business and your competitors. If you are not good at copywriting, I recommend hiring a good copywriter to assist you with this area of your website.
4. Images and Videos
Some people like to read, and some people don’t. Make sure you cater to both by adding not just a compelling copy but also attracting and persuasive images and videos. For maximum exposure, you might want to upload your video to sharing sites such as YouTube before embedding it on your website. This will help you generate more sales.
5. Call to Action
Many people are hesitant and not sure what to do when visiting a website for the first time. Push them to do your desired action (e.g., buy a product, follow your business on social networks, etc.) by adding a call to action (CTA) on your website. Some examples of Clear Call to Actions are:
6. Testimonials
Our words often aren’t enough; social proofs are necessary for us to get our clients’ trust. These proofs are generally given through testimonials. Unsolicited testimonials are the best to use, but it doesn’t hurt to ask customers for their feedbacks after every transaction. Here is a great example of testimonials used on the Kissmetrics website:
7. Subscription Box and Freebies
Many marketing experts will tell you that you must have contact with prospective customers at least seven times before they make a purchase. To stay in touch with as many of your website visitors as possible, regardless if they bought your product or service, you must have a subscription box placed on every page. For better results, offer something free if the visitor opted to subscribe. You can give a simple report, a short ebook, or a small discount for future purchase.
So, is your website generating sales? If not, it’s probably time to revamp it and have the essential website elements I shared with you today added.