6 Creative Ways To Market Your Small Business On A Budget

Marketing is vital to every business’s survival. But most entrepreneurs acknowledge that reaching and retaining clients is one of their major challenges facing small businesses, especially when starting out. Marketing a new business can be costly and time-consuming.

Majority of small businesses and startups don’t have the luxury of subcontracting their marketing needs to experts. However, there are several marketing practices that entrepreneurs can use without breaking the bank to overcome this challenge and get their company humming.

Research Your Market

Researching your market can cost you time and a few dollars. The more time you spend studying your target market and their characteristics, you increase your chances of:

  • Focusing your marketing strategy with high precision
  • Honing your marketing messages to lure and engage potential customers.

Startups don’t just focus on their own game plan, they also find out what competitors and doing.

Learn From Competitors

Look to your competitors for insight on ways to boost your marketing. Discover what they’re doing to reach and retain customers. If you’re still the only business using cold pitches and making little returns, it may the right time to learn from the other players in your industry. Their strategies might work for you, particularly when targeting the same customer base.

For example, if your competitors run ads on Facebook as you do, you may need to change tact. You can choose to go green. Work with commercial floor cleaning companies that use eco-friendly products and add that to your posts. That way, you will easily win over eco-conscious customers.

Get Testimonials

Reviews are very important today. Before customers buy something, they usually look for reviews that corroborate their purchase. Customers want to know that they’re spending their hard earned money on quality products and services. And they want to make sure that what you’re offering is superior to that of your competition.

You can attract new customers by asking your previous customers to write reviews. You can publish those reviews in multiple sites where potential customers can see them. You can also add reviews to your website using a testimonials page or allowing your customers to review your products.

You can use social media to get reviews. For example, ask your customers to leave reviews on your company’s Facebook page.

Update Social Media

Social media marketing is a great asset to small businesses. But if you think having an account only is enough, you’re wrong. New social media marketing strategies always emerge that can improve your online presence.

For a start, make sure your account information is always updated and accurate. Double check everything to make sure that your address, logo, pictures, hours and website are all current. And if you change anything about your business, remember to change your social media profile too.

In addition, regularly post fresh content on your social media pages. Businesses that create an account and forget about it don’t have a solid online presence and tend to lose customers. Posting new posts frequently keep you in front of your customer’s faces. As such, post about your new sales, products or services and show your followers what your business intends to do.

Get Out Of The Business Premise

It’s essential for customers to know you and your business even if you’re running a home-based business or have a storefront. That means you have to go out to meet your customers instead of waiting for them.

Develop your local marketing plans by going out to local joints and events. Keep in mind that whatever events you attend will greatly depend on your products or services. You can also go to local festivals and fairs, farmer’s markets and special events. For example, if you offer residential cleaning services, you might attend real estate and property trade fairs.

When you attend events, bring your items to sell or your business information. And even if someone doesn’t automatically sign up for your services, offer them your business card or brochure. They can remember your business later.

Be An Expert

Becoming an expert can be a great strategy to market your business. Therefore, position yourself as a local expert because it can take your business to the next level.

Find local group meetings that relate to your company’s brand. Attend to show your expertise, network and find clients.

You can even offer yourself as a speaker at meetings and local events, or even do demonstrations. When you join a chamber of commerce, leverage its benefits. Don’t forget to talk to local organizations and talk to libraries to find other ways to get involved.

Attracting and retaining customers can be time-consuming, but cost effective if you use these strategies. What tips do you use to market your small business?

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.